However, while our teams of global news observers where busy spotting for the most relevant information archived or available to science researchers to provide a prevailing alternative, our editors has bumped into this informat and written by a social media opinionist who made today those mourning because of Ebola not to die in fear but to rise in faith. we @Globalnewsserv think that the information as contained below are really too serious facts and first hand alternative healing for the "ebola disease" to be ignored. please read on:
"Several years ago, Ebola virus erupted in Africa, killing thousands without restrain or cure. The medical world was perplexed. A great man of God by the name John G Lake came to the rescue. Laying hands on infected people who were not to be touched. The slightest contact with any secretion from an infected person is all it takes for transmission. But with bare hands, cleaning secretion and curing every victim, John G Lake along with his Holy Ghost filled team, which brought to an abrupt end the spread of the deadly virus. When asked by the medical world,
"how he did it?
He had this to say: "I have the life of God in me, every virus that comes in contact
with me dies. He asked them to get an innocuous from an infected person, observe same under a microscope to ascertain viral activities in it. They did and confirmed living and multiplying virus. He then asked them to put the innocuous on his palm and observe under the microscope. This time there were no more activities. ALL WERE DEAD upon contact with him.
What a life! Every child of God has this life! He that has the Son has this life! That
higher life that put out Ebola in the days of John G Lake will do the same through you in your day! At the Name of Jesus, Ebola will bow out! Stop the fear! Let this message of hope and faith go viral and the Ebola viral spread will stop! Don't disdain the ever living words of Jesus:
And these signs shall follow them that believe; in my name, they shall cast out devils, they shall speak with new tongues, they shall take up serpents, and if they drink any deadly thing (Ebola virus included) it shall not hurt them, they shall lay hand on the sick (those already infected) and they shall recover - Mark 16:15-18. John G Lake and his team are long gone! But I am here, you are here, we are here!
We can save our world! We have the life of God in us! whether Christian, Hindus or Muslim. Spread the faith by putting it now to work! Stop the fear by putting your guns down and your guts up! Now is the appointed time, Spread life! Stop the death!
Edited and published by STAUNCH BROADCASTING (STAUNCH NEWS)Yes you can! The world belongs to you, Because you belong to Jesus!! You belong to God!!! Further Contribution by Prince Evans
in collaborations with Global News Observers
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