What you are about to read is already series of published works these great women. They were thinkers, creative and role models and this serves iñ various capacity of our Globàl News Observers ways towards honoring African women writers and their publishers and promoting Literary Works, making the news stays alive.
While we appreciate Tony for putting them together, email us with details if there's any one we've missed by using our contàct form and you càn reàch Tony using history attached herewith.
A Bibliography of Anglophone Women Writers.
The selection of titles proposed by Tony Simoes da Silva, University of Wollongong, Australia [tonys@uow.edu.au]
Leila ABOULELA (Soudan)
The translator. Edimbourg: Polygon, 1999. Novel.
Coloured lights. Edimbourg: Polygon, 2001. Sort stories.
Minaret. New York, Grove Press, 2005. Novel.
Lyrics alley. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2010. Fiction.
Catherine Obianuju ACHOLONU (Nigeria)
In the heart of Biafra: a play in three acts. Owerri, Nigeria: C. Acholonu, 1970.
Nigeria in the year 1999. Owerri, Nigeria: Totan, 1985.
The spring's last drop. Owerri, Nigeria: Totan, 1985.
Trial of the beautiful ones: a play in one act. Owerri, Nigeria: Totan, 1985.
The deal and who is the head of state. Owerri, Nigeria: Totan, 1986.
Motherism: the Afrocentric alternative to feminism. Nigeria, Abuja: Afa Publications, 1995.
The earth unchained: a quantum leap in consciousness. (A reply to Al Gore). Abuja, Nigeria: Afa Publications, 1995.
Africa, the new frontier: towards a truly global literary theory for the 21st century. Abuja, Nigeria: Afa Publications, 2002.
Carolyne ADALLA (Kenya)
Confessions of an AIDS victim. Nairobi: East Africa Educational Publishers, 1993. Fiction.
Barbara ADAIR (South Africa)
In Tangier we killed the blue parrot. Johannesburg: Jacana Books, 2004. Novel.
End. Johannesburg: Jacana Books, 2007. Novel.
A dream has no name. Johannesburg: Jacana, 2004. Fiction.
Remi ADEDEJI (Nigeria)
The fat woman. Ibadan: Onibonoje, 1973.
Papa Ojo and his family. Ibadan: Onibonoje, 1973.
It is time for stories. Ibadan: Onibonoje, 1973.
Four stories about the tortoise. Ibadan: Onibonoje, 1973.
Stories my mother told me. Ibadan: Heinemann, 1978.
Tunde's birthday party. Ibadan: Onibonoje, 1983.
Tunde visits Ibadan. Ibadan: Onibonoje, 1983.
Tunde's first day at school. Ibadan: Onibonoje, 1983.
Moonlight stories: how the tortoise married the king's daughter and other stories. Ikeja: John West, 1986.
Dear uncle. Ikeja: John West, 1986.
Toyin ADEWALE (Nigeria)
Naked testimonies. Mace Books, Lagos, 1995.
Breaking the silence. Co-editor Mace Books, Lagos, 1996.
Bitter chocolate. Mallory, 2010.
Chimamanda Ngozi ADICHIE (Nigeria)
Purple hibiscus. London: Fourth Estate, 2004. Novel.
Half a yellow sun. London: Fourth Estate, 2006. Novel.
Americanah. New York: Alfred A Knopf, 2013.
Ama Ata AIDOO (Ghana)
The dilemma of a ghost. London; Accra: Longmans, 1965. Drama.
Anowa. Harlow: Longmans, 1970. Drama.
No sweetness here. Harlow: Longmans, 1970. Short stories.
Our sister Killjoy or Reflections from a black-eyed squint. London: Longman, 1977. Novel.
Someone talking to sometime. Harare: College Press, 1985. Poetry.
The eagle and the chickens and other stories. Harare: Zimbabwe College Press, 1987. Short stories.
Changes: a love story. London: Women's Press, 1991. Novel.
An angry letter in January. Coventry: Dangaroo Press, 1992. Poetry.
No sweetness here and other stories. Afterword by Ketu H. Katrak. New York: New York Feminist Press at the City University of New York, 1995. Short stories.
The girl who can and other stories. Sub-Saharan Publishers, 1999. Short fiction.
The dilemma of a ghost. New York: Longman, 2011.
Diplomatic pounds and other stories. Banbury: Ayebia Clarke, 2012.
Christie A. AJAYI (Nigeria)
Ade, our naughty little brother. Ibadan: Onibonoje, 1974.
The old story-teller. Ibadan: Onibonoje, 1975.
Ali's bicycle. Ibadan: Macmillan, 1982. (The Parrot Series)
Emeka's dog. Ibadan: Macmillan, 1982. (The Parrot Series)
The book of animal riddles. Ibadan: Macmillan, 1982. (The Parrot Series)
Tinu's doll. Ibadan: Macmillan, 1982. (The Parrot Series)
Audrey AJOSE (Nigeria)
Yomi's adventures. London and New York: C. U. P., 1964.
Yomi in Paris. London and New York: C. U. P., 1966.
Grace AKELLO (Uganda)
My barren song. Dar es Salam, Tanzania: Eastern African Publications, 1979.
Anne AKPABOT (Nigeria)
Aduke makes her choice. Walton-on-Thames: Nelson, 1966.
Sade and her friends. Walton-on-Thames: Nelson, 1967.
Tertia ALBERTYN (South Africa)
So close: infertile and addicted to hope. Cape Town: Struik Publishers, 2006. Life writing.
Gwen ALFORD (Nigeria)
Journey inside. African Heritage Press, 2001. Poetry.
Shaida Kazie ALI (South Africa)
Not a fairytale. Cape Town: Umuzi, 2010. Fiction.
Lessons in husbandry. Cape Town: Umuzi, 2012. Fiction.
Zaynab ALKALI (Nigeria)
The stillborn. Longman: London, 1984.
The virtuous woman. Ikeja: Longman, 1985.
Vultures in the air: voices from Northern Nigeria. Ibadan: Spectrum Books, 1995.
The cobwebs and other stories. Nigeria: Malthouse Press, 1997. Short stories.
The initiates. Spectrum Books, 2007.
The descendants. Wasasa: Zaria (Nigeria), 2005.
Ifi AMADIUME (Nigeria)
Passion waves. 1985. Poetry.
Male daughters, female husbands: gender and sex in an African society. London: Zed Books, 1987. Anthropology.
Afrikan matriarchal foundations: the Igbo case. London, 1987. Anthropology.
Re-inventing Africa: matriarchy, religion, and culture. London: Zed Books, 1997. History, cultural studies.
The politics of memory: truth, healing and social justice. New York: Zed Books, 2000.
Daughters of the godess, daughters of imperialism: African women's struggle for culture, power and democracy. New York: Zed Books, 2000.
Voices draped in black: poems. Trenton, N. J.: Africa World Press, 2007.
Circles of love: poems. Trenton, N.J. : Africa World Press, 2006.
African women in politics: a history of transformation. University of Western Ontario, 1990.
Regina AMOLLO (Uganda)
A season of mirth. Kampala: Femrite Publications, ?. Novel.
Ingrid ANDERSEN (South Africa)
Excision. 2005. Poetry.
Piece work. Cape Town: Modjaji Books, 2010. Poetry.
Neshani ANDREAS (Namibia)
The purple violet of Oshaantu. Heinemann (African Writers Series): 2001. Novel.
Rose ANIZOBA (Nigeria)
The adventures of Mbugwe the frog. London and Ibadan: OUP, 1965.
Diane AWERBUCK (South Africa)
Gardening at night. London: Secker and Warburg, 2003. Novel.
Cabin fever. Cape Town: Umuzi, 2011. Fiction.
Home remedies. Cape Town: Umuzi, 2012.
Unoma Nguemo AZUAH (Nigeria)
Night songs. Lagos: Oracle Books, 2001. Poetry.
Jane Jaggers BAKALUBA (Uganda)
Honeymoon for three. Nairobi: East Africa Publishing House, 1975.
Gabeba BADEROON (South Africa)
The dream in the next body. Roggebaai, South Africa: Kwela and Snail Press, 2005. Poetry. Winner of the Daimler Chrysler Award for South African Poetry.
A hundred silences. Cape Town: Kwela Press, 2006. Poetry.
Esther BALI (Nigeria)
Taroh folktales. Ibadan: Spectrum, 1990. Children's book.
More tales from Tarokland. Ibadan; St. Helier, Jersey: Spectrum Books in association with Safari Books, 1998, c1991.
Doreen BAINGANA (Uganda)
Tropical fish: stories out of Entebe. University of Massachusetts Press, 2005. Short fiction.
Tropical fish. Cape Town: Struik Publishers (Oshun Books), 2005. Fiction.
Marion BARAITSER (South Africa)
The crystal den. Oberon Books, 2002. Drama.
The story of an African farm: a dramatisation of Olive Schreiner's novel. Oberon Books, 1995. Drama.
Daphne BARNARD (South Africa)
Thoza's story. Roggebaai, South Africa: Kwela Books, 1996.
Madeleine BARNARD (South Africa)
Cape town stories. Cape Town: Struik Publishers, 2007. Short stories.
Violet BARUNGI (Uganda)
Over my dead body. Uganda: Femrite, 1997. Play.
Cassandra. Uganda: Femrite, 1999. Novel.
Words from a granary: an anthology of short stories by Ugandan women writers. Uganda: Femrite, 2001. Edited collection of short stories.
Jackee Budesta BATANDA (Uganda)
The blue marble. Ghana: Sub-Saharan Publishers, 2005. Children's fiction.
Katy BAUER (South Africa)
The track. Jacana Media, 2003. Novel.
Spite. Cape Town: Struik Publishers (Oshun Books), 2004. Fiction.
Barbara BAUMAN (Kenya)
Without a conscience. Kenya: East African Educational Publishers, 1992. Fiction.
Alissa BAXTER (South Africa)
The dashing debutante.
Lord Fenmore's Wager.
Send and receive. Cape Town: Struik Publishers (Oshun Books), 2005. Fiction.
Anne BEBINGTON(South Africa)
Renaissance rhythms: poetry to revive, restore and renew your soul. Kloof: Writers' Circle Publishing, 2008. Poetry.
Jillian BECKER (South Africa)
The Keep. London: Chatto and Windus, 1967. (Penguin SA, 2008. Reprint). Novel.
The union. London: Chatto and Windus, 1971. Novel.
The virgins. London: Victor Gollancz, 1976; Cape Town: David Phillip: 1986. Novel.
Hitler's children: the story of the Baader-Meinhof terrorist gang. London: Michael Joseph, 1977.
Simi BEDFORD (Nigeria)
Yoruba girl dancing. New York: Viking, 1992. Children.
Therese BENADE (South Africa)
Kites of good fortune. Cape Town: David Philip Publishers, 2004. Historical Fiction.
Jane BENNETT (South Africa)
Porcupine. Cape Town: Kwela Books, 2008.
Mary BENSON (South Africa)
The African patriots. London, 1962. (Re-issued as South Africa: the struggle for a birthright. London, 1966; 1985). A history of the ANC.
At the still point. London, 1969. Novel.
A far cry: the making of a South African. London, 1989. Autobiography.
Moira BERMAN (South Africa)
E-mail from a Jewish mother. Johannesburg: David Philip, 2001. Fiction.
E-mail from a Jewish grandmother. Wandsbeck, South Africa: Reach Publishers, 2008. Fiction.
Lauren BEUKES (South Africa)
Maverick: extraordinary women from South Africa's past. Cape Town: Struik Publishers, 2005. Biography.
Moxyland. Nottingham, UK : Angry Robot ; New York : Random House, 2010. Fiction.
The shining girls. London : Harper, 2013. Fiction.
Broken monsters. [S.l.] : Little, Brown, 2014. Fiction.
Eunice BEYLEVELD (South Africa)
Dear Mr Stokes. Morrisville, N.C.: Lulu for the Author, 2008.
Marguerite BLACK (South Africa)
The dandelion diary: the tricky art of walking. 2006. Biography.
Trudie BLOEM (South Africa)
Krotoa-Eva: the woman from Robben Island. Roggebaai, South Africa: Kwela Books, 1999. Fiction.
Jennifer BOBITO (Kenya)
Prescription: love. Nairobi: Transafrica, 1975. Fiction.
Maren BODENSTEIN (South Africa)
Shooting snakes. Cape Town: Modjaji Books, 2013. Fiction.
Elleke BOEHMER (South Africa)
Screens against the sky. London: Bloomsbury, 1990. Novel.
An immaculate figure. London: Bloomsbury, 1993. Novel.
Colonial and postcolonial literature. Oxford: OUP, 1995. Literary criticism.
Empire writing: an anthology of colonial literature 1870 - 1918. Oxford: OUP, 1998. Anthology.
Blood lines. Cape Town: David Philip, 2001. Novel.
Empire, the national and the postcolonial, 1890-1920: resistance in interaction. Oxford: OUP, 2002. Literary criticism.
Robert Baden-Powell, scouting for boys. Ed. with an Introduction by Elleke Boehmer. Oxford: Oxford university Press, 2004.
Nile baby. Banbury, Oxfordshire: Ayebia Clarke, 2008. Novel.
Sharmilla and other portraits. Auckland Park: Jacana; 2010. Fiction
Kola BOOF (Sudan)
Long train to the redeeming sin: stories about African women. Fullerton, Calif: North African Book Exchange, 2001. Short fiction.
Diary of a lost girl. New York: North African Book Exchange, 2003. Autobiography.
Flesh and the devil (with Said Musa). Burbank: Door of Kush, 2004.
Nile river woman: the very first poems by Kola Boof (with Nafisa Goma). Aguanga: Door of Kush, 2004. Poetry.
D. E. BORRELL (Zimbabwe)
A Patch of sky. Arondale: Poetry Society of Rhodesia, 1979. Poetry.
Annelie BOTES (South Africa)
Riddle child. Johannesburg: Penguin Books (SA), 2005. Novel.
Danila BOTHA (South Africa)
Got no secrets. Cape Town: Modjaji Books, 2011. Fiction.
Dominique BOTHA (South Africa)
False river. Cape Town: Umuzi, 2013. Fiction.
Marianna BRANDT (South Africa)
The food of love. Harare: College Press Publishers, 1999. Children's fiction.
Helen BRAIN (South Africa)
Here be lions: a memoir, not suitable for children. Cape Town: Struik Publishers (Oshun Books), 2006. Memoir.
Sandra BRAUDE (South Africa)
Windswept plains: a collection of poems and stories. Cape Town: Buchu Books, 1991.
Jesse BREYTENBACH (South Africa)
I don't like chocolate. Cape Town: Struik Publishers, 2008. Fiction.
Elsabe BRINK (South Africa)
The long march home: a little-known incident in the Anglo-Boer War. Roggebai, South Africa: Kwela Books, 1999. Autobiography.
Sarah BRITTEN (South Africa)
Welcome to the Martin Tudhope show. 2002. Youth fiction.
Joanne BRODIE (South Africa)
Woman, trashed. Johannesburg: Penguin SA, 2009. Novel.
Lynne BRYER (South Africa)
A time in the country. Cape Town: Carrefour Press, 1991.
NoViolet BULAWAYO (Zimbabwe)
We need new names. London: Chatto & Windus, 2013. Fiction.
Edyth BULBRING (South Africa)
Cornelia Button and the globe of Gamagion. Johannesburg: Jacana Media, 2008. Fiction.
The club. Johannesburg; Cape Town: Jonathan Ball, 2008. Novel.
Melly, fatty and me. Johannesburg: Penguin SA, 2011. Novel.
Pops and the nearly dead. Johannesburg: Penguin SA, 2010. Fiction.
The summer of tofie and gummer. Johannesburg: OUP SA, 2008. Fiction.
Yvonne BURGESS (South Africa)
Say a little mantra for me. Johannesburg: Ravan Press, 1979.
The strike. Johannesburg: Ad Donker, 1975.
The myth of progress. Wild Goose Publications, 1996. Religion and spirituality.
Anna and colonel: an alternative love story. Johannesburg: Ravan Press, 1998. Fiction.
A larger silence. London et al: Penguin, 2000; Penguin, 2002. Novel
A life to live. Johannesburg: Penguin Books, 2002. Novel.
Abena P.A. BUSIA (Ghana)
Testimonies of exile. Trenton, N. J. :Africa World Press, 1990.
Akosua BUSIA (Ghana)
The season of the Beento Blackbird. London, Hutchinson, 1996. Reprinted, Arrow Books, 1998. Novel.
Vuyelwa CARLIN (South Africa)
The solitary. Bridgend, Wales: Seren, 2009. Poetry.
Marble sky. Bridgend, Wales: Seren Books, 2009. Poetry.
How we dream of the dead. Bridgend, Wales: Seren Books, 1995. Poetry.
Midas' daughter. Bridgend, Wales: Seren Books, 1991. Poetry.
Dianne CASE (South Africa)
92 Queens' road. Cape Town: Maskew-Miller-Longman, 1991.
Maxine CASE (South Africa)
All we have left unsaid. Cape Town: Kwela Books, 2006. Fiction.
Gladys May CASELY-HAYFORD (Sierra Leone)
Take'um so. Freetown: New Era Press, 1948. Poetry in English and Krio.
Adelaide and Gladys May CASELY-HAYFORD (Sierra Leone)
Mother and daughter: memoirs and poems. Freetown: Sierra Leone University Press, 1983. Ed. by Lucilda Hunter.
Sandra CHARLES (South Africa)
Eve. Cape Town: Kwela Books, 2011. Fiction.
Patricia CHATER (Zimbabwe)
Streetwise. Harare: Weaver Press, 2005. Fiction.
Valerie CHETTY (South Africa)
A magical mission. UmSinsi Press, South Africa, 2005. Fiction.
Jane CHIFAMBA (Zimbabwe)
Ngano dzepasi chigare. [Shona folk tales]. London: Oxford University Press, in association with the Southern Rhodesia African Literature Bureau, 1964; 2nd edition by Mambo Press, in association with the Literature Bureau, 1994 [in Ndebele].
Yvette CHRISTIANSE (South Africa)
Castaway. Duke University Press, 1999. Poetry.
Unconfessed. Cape Town: Kwela Books, 2006. Fiction.
Imprendehora. Cape Town: Kwela Books, 2009. Poetry.
Mary CLANAHAN (South Africa)
Nama Kwa's garden. Illustrated by Jacqui Taylor. Cape Town: Struik Publishers, 2005. Children's stories.
The adventures of Phepa and Itumelang. Illustrated by Marjorie van Heerden. Cape Town: Struik Publishers, 2006. Children's stories.
Laurian CLEMENCE (South Africa)
Mushy peas on toast. Northlands : Pan Macmillan, 2008. Novel.
Cherry CLAYTON (South Africa)
Leaving home. Plumstead, South Africa: Snailpress; Guelph, Canada: Red Kite Press, 1994.
Margaret CLOUGH (South Africa)
At least the duck survived. Cape Town: Modjaji Books, 2011. Poetry.
Chantal COLLINGS (South Africa)
A jumble in the jungle. Cape Town: Struik Publishers, 2006. Children's stories.
Lisa COMBRINCK (South Africa)
An infinite longing for love: a collection of poetry. Pretoria: Skotaville Media, 2005. Poetry.
Karen COCHLOVIUS (South Africa)
Desert varnish. Roggebaai, South Africa: Kwela Books, 2003. Novel.
Carolyn COMAN (South Africa)
Many stones. London: Macmillan, 2003. Novel.
Méira COOK (South Africa)
The blood girls. NeWest Press; 1998. American edition: Overlook Press, 1999. Novel.
Toward a catalogue of falling. Brick Books, 1996. 2nd. ed.; 1997. Poetry.
A fine grammar of bones. Turnstone Press, 1993. Poetry.
Hélène COOPER (Liberia)
The house at sugar beach. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2009. Autobiography.
Jane Tapsubei CREIDER (Kenya)
Two lives: my spirit and I. London: Women's Press, 1986.
The shrunken dream. Toronto, Canada: Women's Press, 1992.
Valerie CUTHBERT (Kenya)
The great siege of fort Jesus: an historical novel. Nairobi: East African Publishing House, 1970. Fiction.
Dust and shadow. Nairobi: Phoenix Publishers, 1990. Fiction.
Tsitsi DANGAREMBGA (Zimbabwe)
She no longer weeps. Harare: College Press Zimbabwe, 1987.
Nervous conditions. Harare; London: Zimbabwe Publishing House; Women's Press, 1988. Novel.
The book of not: a sequel to nervous conditions. London: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2006. Novel.
Kari DAKO (Ghana)
The baobabs of tete and other stories. Ghana: Sub-Saharan Publishers, 2002. Short stories.
Amma DARKO (Ghana)
Beyond the horizon. London: Heinemann, 1995. Novel.
The housemaid. African Writers Series, Heinemann, 1998. Novel.
Faceless. Sub-Saharan Publishers, 2003. Novel.
Not without flowers. Ghana: Sub-Saharan Publishers, 2007. Novel.
C. A. DAVIDS (South Africa)
The blacks of Cape Town. Cape Town: Modjaji Books, 2013. Fiction.
Jennifer DAVIDS (South Africa)
Searching for words. Cape Town: David Philip, 1974.
Nadia DAVIDS (South Africa)
Cissie. Mowbray: Junkets Publisher, 2008.
Stephnie DAY (South Africa)
A growing heart. Cape Town: Editions Sham Said, 2008. Poetry.
Gail DENDY (South Africa)
Assault and the moth. Johannesburg: Greville Press Pamphlets, 1993. Poetry.
People crossing. Cape Town: Snailpress, 1995. Poetry.
The lady missionary. Cape Town: Kwela Books, 2007. Poetry.
Closer than that. Dye Hard Press, 2011. Poetry.
Sibusiswe DHUWE (South Africa)
AGood man. Cape Town: Kwela Books (Sapphire Press Series), 2011. Fiction.
Oumou Armand DIARRA (Mali)
Shadow of the mysterious Nayouma. Xlibris, 2011. Novel.
Fatima DIKE (South Africa)
The sacrifice of Kreli. Johannesburg: Theatre One, A. D. Domker, 1977.
The crafty tortoise. Unpublished; produced 1978. Drama.
The glasshouse. Unpublished; produced 1979. Drama.
The first South African: a play. Johannesburg: Ravan Press, 1979.
Waris DIRIE (Somalia)
Desert flower. London: Virago, 1998. Autobiography. (with Cathleen Miller). (Translated in French under the title Fleur du desert and German Blumenwüste)
Isobel DIXON (South Africa)
Weather eye. Carapace Poets, 2001. Poetry.
A fold in the map. London: Salt Publishing, 2008. Poetry.
Ceridwen DOVEY (South Africa)
Blood kin. Johannesburg: Penguin, 2007. Novel.
Unity DOW (Botswana)
Far and beyon'. Aunt Lute Books, San Francisco, 2002. Novel.
The screaming of the innocent. Australia: Spinifex Press, 2002. Novel.
Juggling truths. Australia: Spinifex Press, 2003.
Finuala DOWLING (South Africa)
I flying. Carapace, 2002. Poetry.
What poets need. Johannesburg: Penguin, 2005. Fiction.
Doo-Wop girls of the universe. Johannesburg: Penguin, 2006.
Flyleaf. Johannesburg: Penguin, 2007. Fiction.
Notes from the dementia ward. Cape Town: Kwela Boeke and Snail Press, 2008. Poetry.
Homemaking for the down-at-heart. Cape Town: Kwela Books, 2011. Fiction.
Elizabeth Du PREEZ (South Africa)
Elizabeth sings. Cape Town: Maskew Miller, 1857. Poetry.
Theresa EDWARDS (South Africa)
The Legend of the peacock throne. Cape Town: Struik Publishers, 2005. Children's stories.
Hope EGHAGHA (Nigeria)
Emperors of salvation. Nigeria: Malthouse Press, 2009. Fiction.
Phanuel EGEJURU (Nigeria)
The seed yams have been eaten. Ibadan: Heinemann Educational Books (Nigeria), 1993. Novel.
Rita EHRMANN (Botswana)
African footprints. [s.l.]: Villanova University Press, 1986.
Bananuka Jocelyn EKOCHU (Uganda)
Shock waves across the ocean. Uganda: Femrite Publications, 2004. Novel.
Buchi EMECHETA (Nigeria)
The bride price. London; New York: Allison and Busby; Brazillier, 1976. Novel.
The slave girl. London: Alison & Busby, 1977. Novel.
Titch the cat. Based on a story by her eleven-year-old daughter Alice. Illustrations by Thomas Joseph. London: Allison and Busby, 1979. Children's stories.
Nowhere to play. Illustrations by Peter Archer. London: Allison & Busby, c1980. Children's stories.
The joys of motherhood. London: Heinemann, 1980. First pub.: London: Allison & Busby, 1979. Novel.
The wrestling match. Oxford: Oxford University Press in association with University Press Limited, c1980.
The moonlight bride. Oxford: Oxford University Press in association with University Press Limited, 1980.
Destination Biafra. London: Allison & Busby, 1982. Novel.
Naira power. London: Macmillan, 1982.
Double yoke. London; Ibuza, Nigeria: Ogwugwu Afor, 1983. Novel.
Head above water. London: Fontana Paperbacks, 1986. Autobiography.
Gwendolen. London: Collins, 1989. Also pub. as: The family. New York: G. Braziller, 1990. Novel.
The rape of Shavi. London; Ibuza, Nigeria: Ogwugwu Afor, 1983. Novel.
A kind of marriage. London: Macmillan, 1986.
Second-class citizen. Oxford: Heinemann, 1994. Novel.
In the ditch. Oxford: Heinemann, 1994. Novel.
Kehinde. Portsmouth, NH; Oxford: Heinemann, 1994. Novel.
Erica EMDON (South Africa)
Jolly dog days. Johannesburg: Penguin Books, 2012.
Anne EMSLIE (South Africa)
A Journey through the owl house. Johannesburg: Penguin Classics, 2003. Non-fiction.
Barbara ERASMUS (South Africa)
Chameleon. Cape Town: Electric Book Works, 2008. Novel.
Below luck level. Johannesburg: Penguin SA, 2012, Novel.
Kaleidescope. Johannesburg: Penguin SA, 2012. Novel.
Even with insects. Johannesburg: Penguin SA, 2012. Novel.
Shirley ESKAPA (South Africa)
The secret keeper. Quartet Books, 1982. Novel.
Blood fugue. Chicago: Academy Publishers, 1986. Novel.
Call back yesterday. Quartet Books, 1995. Novel.
Seasons of love. New York: St Martin Paperbacks, 1995.
Diana EVANS (Nigeria / Canada)
26a: A novel (P.S.). Harper Perennial, 2006. Novel.
Margaret EVANS (South Africa)
Too late! Harare: College Press Publishers, 1999. Children's fiction.
Mariss EVERITT (South Africa)
On gardening. Grahamstown: Aerial, 2008. Poetry.
Elisabeth EYBERS (South Africa)
The quiet adventure. Johannesburg, 1948. Poetry.
Tracey FARREN (South Africa)
Whiplash. Athlone: Modjaji Books, 2008. Fiction.
Snake. Cape Town: Modjaji Books, 2012. Fiction.
Joanne FEDLER (South Africa)
Things without a name. Auckland Park: Jacana Media, 2008.
Ruth FIRST (South Africa)
117 Days. London: Penguin, 1965; 1988. Autobiographical account of her imprisonment by the South African authorities.
Astrid FLEMING (South Africa)
White knights. Johannesburg: A&A Publishers, 2008, 2009.
Barbara FÖLSCHER (South Africa)
Blind faith. Cape Town: Human and Rousseau, 2007. Novel.
Andrina Dashwood FORBES (South Africa)
Birds on a ledge. Cape Town: Buchu Books, 1992.
Rosie FIORE (South Africa)
This year's black. Cape Town: Struik Publishers (Oshun Books), 2004. Fiction.
Lame angel. Cape Town: Struik Publishers, 2006. Fiction.
Linda FORTUNE (South Africa)
The house in Tyne street: Childhood memories of District Six. Roggebaai, South Africa: Kwela Books, 1996. Autobiography.
Maya FOWLER (South Africa)
The elephant in the room. Cape Town: Kwela Books, 2009.
Jane FOX (South Africa)
The killing bottle. Cape Town: David Philip, 1999. Fiction.
The dancer and other poems. Capetown: Snailpress, 1992. Poetry.
Ghost writer and other poems. Cape Town: The Unpublished Manuscript Press, 2008. Poetry.
Annica FOXCROFT (South Africa)
There are ants in my sugar. Faradawn, 2008. Fiction.
More ants! Faradawn, 2009. Fiction.
Ants in the big onion. Cape Town: Umuzi, 2011. Fiction
Anne FRASER (pseud.) (South Africa)
Her very special boss. Richmond, Surrey: Mills & Boon, 2008.
Julie FREDERIKSE (South Africa)
The diary without the key. Isando, South Africa: Heinemann Gap, 1994.
Lynn FREED (South Africa)
Heart Change. New York: New American Library, 1982. Novel.
Home ground. New York: Summit, 1986. Novel.
The bungalow. New York: Poseidon, 1993. Novel.
The mirror. New York: Crown Publishers, 1997; London: Flamingo, 1999. Novel.
Sarah FROST (South Africa)
Conduit. Cape Town: Modjaji Books, 2011. Poetry.
Lisa FUGARD (South Africa)
Skinner's drift. Johannesburg: Picador Africa, 2005. Fiction.
Sheila FUGARD. (South Africa)
The Castaways. Johannesburg: Macmillan, 1972. Novel.
Treshold. Johannesburg: Donker, 1975.
Rite of passage. Johannesburg: Donker, 1976. Novel.
Mythic things. Johannesburg: Ad. Donker, 1981.
A Revolutionary woman: a novel. Johannesburg: Ad. Donker, 1983.
Petina GAPPAH (Zimbabwe)
An elegy for Easterly. London: Faber and Faber, 2009. Short stories.
Dawn GARISCH (South Africa)
Not another love story. Isando, South Africa: Heinemann Gap, 1994. Young adult fiction.
Once, two islands. Myrmidon Books, 2009. Poetry.
Trespass. Cape Town: Kwela Books, 2009. Fiction.
The difficult gift. Cape Town: Modjaji Books, 2011. Poetry.
The Matron. Myrmidon Books, 2012. Fiction.
Eloquent body. Cape Town: Modjaji Books, 2012. Non-fiction.
Monica GENYA (Kenya)
Links of a chain. Kenya: East African Educational Publishers, 1996. Fiction.
The wrong wind of girl. Kenya: Spear Books, 2004. Fiction.
Tracy GILPIN (South Africa)
Double cross. Richmond, Surrey: Black Star Crime, 2008.
Moraa GITAA (Kenya)
Crucible for silver and furnace for gold. Canada: Nsemia. 2008. Fiction.
Shifting sands. Nsemia Inc Publishers. 2012. Fiction.
Linzi GLASS (South Africa)
The year the Gypsies game. London: Penguin Books, 2006. Novel.
Ruby red. London: Penguin Books, 2007. Novel, young adults.
Corney GICHUKI (Kenya)
Hollow bridges. Kenya: Focus Publications, 2004. Novel.
H. J. GOLAKAI (Liberia)
The Lazarus effect. Cape Town: Kwela Books, 2011. Fiction.
Jeanne GOOSEN (South Africa)
We're not all like that. Cape Town, 1992. Originally published in Afrikaans as Ons is nie almal so nie in 1990. Novella.
Nadine GORDIMER (South Africa)
Face to face. Johannesburg: Silver Leaf, 1949. Short stories.
The soft voice of the serpent and other stories. New York; Toronto: Simon; Musson, 1952. Short stories.
The lying days. London; New York: Gollancz; Simon, 1953. Novel.
A world of strangers. London: Gollancz, 1958. Novel.
Friday's footprint. London; Toronto: Gollancz; Macmillan, 1960. Short stories.
Occasion for loving. New York; London: Viking; Gollancz, 1963. Novel.
Not for publication. London; New York: Gollancz; Viking, 1965. Short Stories.
The late bourgeois world. New York; London: Viking; Gollancz, 1966. Novel.
A guest of honour. New York: Viking, 1970. Novel.
Livingstone's companions. New York: Viking, 1972. Short stories.
The conservationist. London: Cape, 1974. Novel.
Selected stories. London: Cape, 1975. Short stories.
Some Monday for sure. London: Heinemann, 1976. (AWS; 177). Short stories.
No place like: selected stories. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1978. Short stories.
Burger's daughter. New York; London: Viking; Cape, 1980. Novel.
A soldier's embrace: Stories. New York; London: Viking; Cape, 1980.
July's people. Johannesburg; New York; London: Ravan/Taurus; Viking; Cape, 1982. Novel.
Six feet of the country: Fiften Short Stories. New York; Harmondworth: Simon; Penguin, 1982.
Something out there. Johannesburg; London; New York: Ravan Press; Cape; Viking, 1984. Short stories.
Lifetimes under apartheid. With David Goldblatt. London: Cape, 1986. On South Africa and Apartheid.
A sport of nature. New York; London; Cape Town: Knopf; Cape; D. Philip, 1987. Novel.
The essential gesture writing, politics and places. Edited and introduced by Stephen Clingman. London: Cape, 1988.
My son's story. London: Bloomsbury, 1990. Novel.
Crimes of conscience. Oxford: Heinemann, 1991. Short stories.
Jump and other stories. Cape Town; London: D. Philip; Bloomsbury, 1991.
Why haven't you written: selected stories 1950-1972. London: Penguin, 1992.
None to accompany me. London; New York: Bloomsbury; Farrar, Strauss & Giroux, 1994. Novel.
Harald, Claudia and their son Duncan. London: Bloomsbury, 1996. Novel.
Writing and being. Cambridge, Mass.; London: Harvard University Press, 1995. (The Charles Eliot Norton lectures, 1994). Essays on writing.
The house gun. London: Bloomsbury, 1998. Novel.
The pickup. London: Bloomsbury, 2001. Fiction.
Telling tales. Edited by Gordimer; collection of writings by world writers. Picador, 2004.
Get a life. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2005.
Beethoven was one-sixteenth black. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2007. Short Stories.
No time like the present. New York: Farrar, Strauss and Giroux, 2012. Fiction.
Sheila GORDON (South Africa)
Waiting for the rain: a novel of South Africa. Franklin Watts, 1991.
Julia GREY (South Africa)
Cape Town: an illustrated poem. Cape Town: Struik Publishers, 2005. Mixed genre.
Rosamund HADEN (South Africa)
The tin church. Cape Town: David Philip, 2004. Novel.
Megan HALL (South Africa)
Fourth child. Cape Town: Modjaji Books, 2008. Poetry.
Star Nyaniba HAMMOND (Ghana)
In my father's land. A song to the child. Afram Publishing, 2000. Novel.
Rosemund J. HANDLER (South Africa)
Katy's kid. Johannesburg: Penguin SA, 2007. Novel.
Ann HARRIES (South Africa)
Manly pursuits. London: Bloomsbury, 1999. Novel.
Patricia HAWARD (Uganda)
Do I have to kneel? Uganda: Fountain Publishers, 2005. Fiction.
Bessie HEAD (South Africa)
When rain clouds gather. London: Gollancz, 1968. Novel.
Maru. London; New York: Gollancz; McCall, 1971, and London: Heinemann, 1972. Novel.
A question of power. London: Heinemann; Davis-Poynter, 1973. Novel.
The collector of treasures and other Botswana village tales. London: Heinemann Educational, 1977. (AWS; 182). Short stories.
Serowe: village of the rain wind. London: Heinemann, 1981. (AWS; 220).
A bewitched crossroad: an African saga. New York: Paragon House Publishers, 1986. Novel.
Tales of tenderness and power. Johannesburg; London: Ad. Donker; Heinemann, 1989. Short stories.
A woman alone: autobiographical writings. London: Heinemann, 1990. Ed. by Craig Mackenzie.
A gesture of belonging: letters from Bessie Head, 1965-1979. London; Johannesburg: S.A. Writers; Witwatersrand University Press, 1991. Ed. by Randolph Vigne.
The cardinals, with meditations and short stories. Cape Town: David Philip, 1993. Ed. by M.J. Daymond. Novella and stories.
Marie HEESE (South Africa)
The double crown: secret writings of the female pharaoh. Cape Town: Human & Rousseau, 2009. Fiction. Winner of the Commonwealth Writers' Prize for Best Book in the Africa Region, 2009.
Khadija Tracey Carmelita HEEGER (South Africa)
Beyond the delivery room. Cape Town: Modjaji Books, 2013. Poetry.
Pauline HENSON (Zimbabwe)
Case closed: a detective story set in Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe: Mambo Press, 2004. Fiction.
Joanne HICHENS (South Africa)
Divine justice. Mercury, 2011. Crime fiction.
Out to score (written with Mike Nicol). Cape Town: Umuzi, 2000. Crime fiction.
Colleen HIGGS (South Africa)
Halfborn woman. 2004. Poetry.
Lava lamp poems. Cape Town: Modjaji Books, 2011. Poetry.
Looking for Trouble. Cape Town: Modjaji Books, 2012. Short stories.
Bridget HILTON-BARBER (South Africa)
Garden of my ancestors. Johannesburg: Penguin, 2007. Novel.
The legacy. Harare: Zimbabwe Publishing House, 1992. Novel.
Ndeutala HISHONGWA (Namibia)
Marrying apartheid. Abbotsford, Vic.: Imprenta, 1986. Novel.
Kaleni HIYALWA (Namibia)
Meekulu's children. Windhoek, Namibia: New Namibia Books, 2000. Novel
Jenny HOBBS (South Africa)
Thoughts in a makeshift mortuary. London: Michael Joseph, 1989; London: Grafton Books, 1990.
The telling of Angus Quain. Johannesburg: Jonathan Ball, 1997. Fiction.
Kitchen boy. Cape Town: Umuzi, 2011. Fiction.
The miracle of Crocodile flats. Cape Town: Umuzi, 2012. Fiction.
Dianne HOFMEYR (South Africa)
A Sudden Summer
When wales go free. Cape Town: Tafelberg, 1988. Young Adults.
The star-bearer. Illustrated by Jude Daly. Frances Lincoln, 2002. Children's fiction.
Madeleine HOLLAND (South Africa)
The collected poems of Madeleine Holland. Merton Press, 1923.
Amelia Blossom HOUSE (South Africa)
Our sun will rise: poems for South Africa. Washington: Three Continents Press, 1989.
Yema Lucilda HUNTER (Sierra Leone)
Road to freedom. Ibadan, 1982. Novel.
Immaculée ILIBAGIZA with Steve ERWIN (Rwanda)
Left to tell. Carlsbad: Hay House, c2006. Autobiography.
Maureen ISAACSON (South Africa)
Holding Back Midnight and Other Stories. Johannesburg: COSAW, 1992.
Rachel ISADORA (South Africa)
At the Crossroads. Greenwillow, 1991.
Noni JABAVU (South Africa)
Drawn in Colour. London, 1960.
The Ochre People: scenes from a South African life. London: Murray, 1963. Autobiographical novel.
Rayda JACOBS (South Africa)
The middle children. Second Story Press, 1994.
Eyes of the sky. Cape Town: Kwela Books, 1996. Fiction.
The slave book. Cape Town: Kwela Books, 1998. Fiction.
Sachs street. Cape Town: Kwela Books, 2001. Fiction.
Confessions of a gambler. Cape Town: Kwela Books, 2003. Fiction.
Postcards from South Africa. Juta, 2004.
The Mecca diaries. Juta, 2005.
My father's orchid. Umuzi, 2006.
Joonie. Johannesburg: Jacana, 2011. Fiction.
Zubeida JAFFER (South Africa)
Our generation. Roggebai, South Africa: Kwela Books, 2003. Autobiography.
Love in the time of treason. Cape Town: Kwela Books, 2008. Fiction.
Karen JAYES (South Africa)
For the mercy of water. Johannesburg: Penguin SA, 2012. Novel.
Liesl JOBSON (South Africa)
View from an escalator. Braamfontein: Botsotso, 2008. Poetry.
Ingrid JONKER (South Africa)
Selected poems. Tr. from Afrikaans by Jack Cape and William Plomer. London: Cape, 1968. Poetry.
Pamela JOOSTE (South Africa)
Dance with a poor man's daughter. London et al Doubleday, 1998. Novel.
Frieda and Min. London: Blackswan, 1999. Novel.
Like water in wild places. London et al: Doubleday, 2000. Novel
Elsa JOUBERT (South Africa)
Poppie. Johannesburg: Jonathan Ball Paperbacks, 1981. First published in Afrikaans as Die swerfjare van Poppie Nongena, by Tafelberg Publishers, 1978. First translated into English as The long journey of Poppie Nongena. Johannesburg: Jonathan Ball Publishers in association with Hodder and Stoughton, 1980.
To die at sunset. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1982.
The last sunday. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1989. Originally published in Afrikaans as Die laste Sondag. Cape Town: Tafelberg, 1983.
Missionaris. Kaapstad: Tafelberg, 1988. Novel. (Afrikaans Edition)
Isobelle's journey. Johannesburg: Jonathan Ball, 2001. Tr. Cathy Knox. Novel.
Jane Alison KABERUKA (Uganda)
Silent patience. Femrite Publications, ?. Novel.
Violet KALA (Zimbabwe)
Waste not your tears. Harare: Baobab Books, 1994. Novel.
Anthonia C. KALU
Broken lives and other stories. USA: Ohio U.P., 2003. Short fiction.
Farida KARODIA (South Africa)
Daughters of the twilight. London: Women's Press, 1986. Novel.
Coming home and other stories. London: Heinemann Educational, 1988. Short stories.
A shattering of silence. Oxford: Heinemann, 2012. Novel.
Against an African sky and other stories. Cape Town: D. Philip, 1995. Reprinted, Tsar Publications, 1997. Short stories.
Other secrets. Sandton: Penguin (SA), 2000. Novel.
Boundaries. Sandton: Penguin (SA), 2003. Novel.
Sharon KASANDA (Namibia)
Dante International. Windhoek: Wordweaver Publishing House, 2012. Fiction.
Fauziya KASSIDJA (Togo)
Do they hear you when you cry. New York: Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, 1998. Autobiography. (Translated in German under the title: Niemand sieht Dich, wenn Du weinst)
Jane KATJAVIVI (Namibia)
Undisciplined heart. Cape Town: Modjaji Books, 2010. Memoir.
Fatima KAZIM (Nigeria)
The African bride. Bloomington. 1ST Books Library, 2002. Novel.
Lauren Ursula KELLNER (South Africa)
Sixty haiku's, 1989-2008. Wynberg: Little Flower Press, 2008. Poetry.
Rosamund KENDAL (South Africa)
The karma suture. Auckland Park: Jacana Media, 2008. Novel.
Hope KESHUBI (Uganda)
Going solo. Kampala: Fountain Publishers, 1997. Novel
Nani KHABAKO (South Africa)
The nanny affair. Cape Town: Kwela Books, 2011. Fiction.
Susan N. KIGULI (Uganda)
The African saga. Kampala, Uganda: FEMRITE, 1998. Poetry.
Barbara KIMENYE (Uganda)
Kalasanda. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1965. Short stories.
Kalasanda revisited. London: OUP, 1966.
The smugglers. London: Nelson, 1966.
Moses and Mildred. Nairobi: OUP, 1967. Children's book
Moses and the kidnappers. Nairobi: OUP, 1968. Children's book
Moses in trouble. Nairobi; London: OUP, 1968. Children's stories.
The winged adventure. Nairobi: OUP, 1969.
Moses in a muddle. Nairobi: OUP, 1970. Children's book.
Moses. Nairobi: OUP, 1971. Children's book
Moses and the ghost. Nairobi: OUP, 1971. Children's book
Paulo's strange adventure. Nairobi: OUP, 1971.
Moses on the move. Nairobi; OUP, 1972. Children's book
Moses the camper. Nairobi: OUP, 1973. Children's book
The runaways. Nairobi: OUP, 1973.
Moses and the penpal. Nairobi: OUP, 1973. Children's book
The gemstone affair. Sunbury-on-Thames: Nelson, 1978. Novel.
The scoop. Sunbury-on-Thames: Nelson, 1978. Novel.
Moses in a mess. Nairobi: OUP, 1991. Children's book
The money game. Illustrated by Mark Peppò Oxford: Heinemann, 1992. Children's stories.
The mating game. London, Macmillan, 1992.
Paulo's strange adventure. Chelsea House Publishers, 1995. (Junior African Writers).Children's writing.
Kayo's house. London: Macmillan, 1995.
Moses and the movie. London: Macmillan, 1996. Novel.
Beauty queen. Kenya: East African Educational Publishers, 1997. Fiction.
Karen KING-ARIBISALA (Nigeria)
Kicking Tongues. Oxford: Heinemann, AWS, 1998.
Barbara KINGHORN (South Africa)
Miss McKirdy's Daughters Will Now dance the Highland Fling. London: Black Swan, 1995. Autobiography.
Mary KIZE (Kenya)
Love and learn. Nairobi: Transafrica, 1974. Fiction.
Mariama KHAN (Gambia)
Futa Toro. The Gambia: Sandeng Publishers, 2003. Poetry.
Sheila KOHLER (South Africa)
Miracles in America. New York: Random House, 1990. Short Stories.
The house on R. Street. New York: Random House, 1994. Novel.
Cracks. Zoland Books, 1999. Novel.
Children of Pithiviers. Zoland Books, 2000. Novel.
The perfect place. Vintage, 2001. Novel.
Stories from another world. Persea Books, 2003. Short Fiction.
Ingrid de KOK (South Africa)
Familiar ground. Johannesburg: Ravan Press, 1988. Poetry.
Transfer: poems. Cape Town: Snail Press, 1997. Poetry.
Terrestrial things. Roggebaai, South Africa: Kwela Books / Snail Press, 2002. Poetry.
Seasonal fires: new and selected poems. Cape Town: Umuzi, 2006. Poetry.
Anya KOTZUBA (South Africa)
The morning star shines brightly. Illustrated by Estelle Foster. Kwela Books: Roggebai, South Africa, 1997. Children's fiction.
Maja KRIEL (South Africa)
Original sin and othe stories. Cape Town: Carrefour Press, 1993.
Rings in a tree. Roggebaai, South Africa: Kwela Books, 2004. Novel.
Antjie KROG (South Africa)
Januarie-suite(1973). Cape Town, 1973. Poetry.
Jerusalemgangers. Cape Town, 1985; 1986. Poetry.
Lady Anne. Cape Town, 1989. Poetry
Account of a murder. Johannesburg, 1995. Novel.
Country of my skull. Johannesburg: Random House, 1998. Poetry.
Down to my last skin. Johannesburg, 2000. Poetry.
A change of tongue. Johannesburg: Random House, 2003. Mixed genres.
Haidee KRUGER (South Africa)
The reckless sleeper. Cape Town: Modjaji Books, 2012. Poetry
Lauri KUBUITSILE (South Africa)
Murder for profit. Gaborone: Pentagon Publishers, 2008. Novel.
In the spirit of McPhineas lata and other stories. Cape Town: Modjaji Books, 2013. Fiction.
Hilda KUPER (Swaziland)
Bite of hunger: a novel of Africa. New York: Harcourt Brace, 1965. Novel.
A witch in my heart: a play set in Swaziland in the 1930s. Foreword by Max Gluckman. London: Oxford U.P, 1970.
A witch in my heart : short stories and poems. Madison: university of Wisconsin Press, 1994. Short stories.
Ellen KUZWAYO (South Africa)
Call me woman. Preface by Nadine Gordimer. London: Women's Press, 1985. Autobiography.
African wisdom: a personal collection. Roggebaai, South Africa: Kwela Books, 1998. Proverbs.
Sit down and listen. Cape Town, 1990.
Zazah KHUZWAYO (South Africa)
Never been at home. Cape Town: David Philip, 2004. Life writing (memoir).
Amma KYERERWAA (Ghana)
Kimberlite flame. Ghana: Sub-Saharan Publishers, 2002. Novel.
Goretti KYOMUHENDO (Uganda)
The first daughter. Kampala: Fountain Publishers, 1996. Novel.
Secrets no more. Kampala: Femrite Publications, 1999. Novel.
Nora LAING (South Africa)
The South African. London: Peter Davies, 1952. Novel.
Anne LANDSMAN (South Africa)
The devil's chimney. New York: Soho Press, 1997. Reprinted, Granta Books, 1998. Novel.
The rowing lesson. Cape Town: Kwela Books, 2007. Novel.
Karen LAZAR (South Africa)
Hemispheres: inside a stroke. Cape Town: Modjaji Books, 2011. Non-fiction.
Ina LAWSON (South Africa)
Zachariah goes South. Illustrated by André Plant. Roggebai, South Africa: Kwela Books, 1995. Children's text.
Sumayya LEE (South Africa)
The story of Maha. Cape Town: Kwela Books, 2007. Fiction.
Maha, ever after. Cape Town: Kwela Books, 2007. Fiction.
Prue LEITH (South Africa)
Choral society. London: Quercus, 2008.
Elieshi LEMA (Tanzania)
Parched earth: a love story. E&D Limited, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 2001. Novel.
Doris LESSING (Zimbabwe)
Three stories. Helsinki: Eurographica, 1963. Short stories.
The children of violence [Sequence of five novels, published between 1952-69. London: MacGibbon & Kee: Martha quest; A proper marriage; A ripple from the storm; Landlocked; The four-gated city].
The grass is singing. London: Heinemann, 1973. Orig. Pb.: London: Joseph, 1950. Novel.
Collected African stories. London: Paladin, 1990-92. 2 volumes.
African laughter: four visits to Zimbabwe. London: HarperCollins, 1992. Essays.
The black Madonna. London: Paladin, 1992, c1966. Short stories.
Winter in July. Grafton Books, 1966.
Going home. Drawings by Paul Hogarth. London: Flamingo, 1992 c1968.
The sun between their feet. London: Flamingo, 1993. Short stories.
The four-gated city. London: HarperCollins, 1993.
A ripple from the storm. London: HarperCollins, 1993.
London observed. London: Flamingo, 1993. Short stories.
The good terrorist. London: Flamingo, 1993. Novel.
Particularly cats and Rufus the survivor. London: Flamingo, 1993 c1967.
Under my skin: Volume One of my autobiography, to 1949. New York: HarperCollins, 1994.
Shadows on the wall of the cave. A talk delivered 19th January 1994. London, The British Library, Centre for the Book, 1994. Literature and science.
A small personal voice: essays, reviews, interviews. Edited and introduced by Paul Schlueter. London: Flamingo, 1994. Essays and Interviews.
Documents relating to the sentimental agents in the Volyen Empire. London: Flamingo, 1994. Science fiction.
Canopus in Argos: archives [Sequence of four works of science fiction, published between 1979-1982. London: Flamingo. Shikasta: recolonised Planet 5; Personal, psychological, historical documents relating to visit by Johor (George Sherban) Emissary (Grade 9) 87th of the last period of the last days, The marriages between zones three, four and five (as narrated by the chroniclers of zone three), The Sirian experiments, The making of the representative for Planet 8].
To room nineteen. Vol. 1, Collected stories. London: Flamingo, 1994. Short stories.
The temptation of Jack Orkney. Vol. 2, Collected stories. London: Flamingo, 1994. Short stories.
The memoirs of a survivor. London: Flamingo, 1995, c1974. Novel.
Spies I have known and other stories. Glasgow: Collins Educational, 1995. Short stories.
Landlocked. Perennial, 1995. Novel.
Play with a tiger and other plays. London: Flamingo, 1996. Drama.
Walking in the shade. New York : HarperCollinsPublishers, 1997.
Mara and Dann: an adventure. New York: Harpercollins, 1999. Novel.
Ben, in the world: the sequel to The fith child. London: Harper Collins, 2000. Fiction.
The sweetest dream. London: Flamingo, 2001. Fiction.
Particularly cats. London: Flamingo, 2002. Fiction, Science, Nature.
The grandmothers. London: Flamingo, 2003. 4 short novels.
Time bites: views and reviews. London: HarperColins, 2005. Literary Criticism.
The cleft. London: HarperCollins, 2007. Fiction.
Alfred and Emily. London: Fourth Estate, 2008. Fiction.
Janet LEVINE (South Africa)
Inside Apartheid: one woman's struggle in South Africa. Chicago: Contemporary Books, 1988. Non-fiction.
Muthoni LIKIMANI (Kenya)
They shall be chastised Noni's Publicity. 1974. Novel.
What does a man want ? 1974. Poetry.
Passbook number F.47927: women and Mau Mau in Kenya. 1999 [publ. 2000] Noni's Publicity [1985]. Novel.
Lauren LIEBENBERG (Zimbabwe)
The voluptuous delights of peanut butter and jam. London: Virago Press, 2008. Novel.
Freda LINDE (South Africa)
The singing grass. Illustrated by David Armitage; tr. from the Afrikaans by Freda Linde. London: OUP, 1975. Novel.
Jean LIPKIN (South Africa)
With fences down. London et al: Grosvenor Press International, 1986. Novel.
Laura LONGMORE (South Africa)
Land of Sheba. London: New Millenium, 2000. Novel.
Agnes LOTTERING (South Africa)
Winnefred and Agnes. Roggebai, South Africa: Kwela Books, 2003. Autobiography; biography; history.
Sarah LOTZ (South Africa)
Pompidou posse. Penguin South Africa, 2008. Novel.
Anna LOUW (South Africa)
20 Days that autumn. Cape Town: Tafelberg-Uitgewers, 1963. Novel.
Moira LOVELL (South Africa)
Out of the mist. Cape Town: Snailpress, 1994. Poetry.
Alison LOWRY (South Africa)
Natural Rhythm. London: Heinemann, 1983.
Wishing on trains. London: Mandarin, 1995.
Elizabeth LOWRY (South Africa)
The Bellini Madonna. London: Quercus, 2008. Novel.
Cicely LUCK (South Africa)
Flowers of the thorn. Johannesburg: Lowry, 1986. Novel.
Violet B. LUNJA (Zimbabwe)
Desperate choices. Harare: Z.P.H. Publishers, 2003. Novel.
Lynn LYSTER (South Africa)
Ballads of the veld-land. London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1913. Poetry.
Rozena MAART (South Africa)
Rosa's district 6. Toronto: Tsar Books. Short Stories.
The writing circle. Pietermaritzburg: Shuter, 2008.
Lily MABURA (Kenya)
The Pretoria conspiracy. Kenya: Focus Books, 2000. Fiction.
Lindiwe MABUZA (South Africa)
Letter to Letta. Johannesburg: Skotaville, 1991.
Voices that lead. Vivlia, 1998. Poetry.
Footprints and fingerprints. Northlands: Picador Africa, 2008. Poetry.
Sonia MACHANICK (South Africa)
I'll make me a world. Johannesburg: Meditor, 1977. Poetry
Jassy MACKENZIE (South Africa)
Random violence. Roggebaai: Umuzi, 2008. Novel.
E. M. MacPHAIL (South Africa)
Falling upstairs. Johannesburg: Jonathan Ball, 1982. Short Stories.
Mrs. Chud's place. Cape Town: Carrefour, 1992. Novel. Winner of the 1987 CAN Prize.
Phoebe and Nio. Johannesburg: Hippogriff Press, 1987. Novel.
Marjorie Oludhe MACGOYE (Kenya)
Murder in Majengo. Nairobi: OUP, 1972. Fiction.
Song of Nyarloka and other poems. Nairobi: OUP, 1977.
Coming to birth. Nairobi: Heinemann, 1986.
The present moment. Nairobi: Heinemann, 1987.
Street Life. Nirobi: Heinemann, 1987. Fiction
Victoria: murder in Majengo. London: Macmillan, 1993. Fiction.
Homing In. Nairobi: East Africa Educational Publishers, 1994. Fiction.
Chira. Nairobi: East Africa Educational Publishers, 1997. Fiction.
A Farm called Kishinev. Kenya: East African Educational Publishers, 2005.
Sindiwe MAGONA (South Africa)
Living, loving and lying awake at night. Cape Town: D. Philip, 1991. (Africasouth new writing). Short stories.
Forced to grow. London: Women's Press, 1992.
To my children's children. Interlink Publications Group, 1994. American edition. Paperback edition, 1998.
Push-push and other stories. Cape Twon: D. Phillip Publishers, 1996.
Forced to grow. Interlink Publications Group, 1997. American edition. Novel.
Mother to mother. Cape Town: David Phillip Publishers, 1998. Novel.
Beauty's gift. Cape Town: Kwela Books, 2008. Fiction
Zarina MAHARAJ (South Africa)
Dancing to a different rhythm: a memoir. Cape Town: Zebra Press, 2006.
Louise MAKE (South Africa)
Five-star seduction. Cape Town: Kwela Books (Sapphire Press Series), 2011. Fiction.
Caesarina Kona MAKHOERE (South Africa)
No Child's play. London: Women's Press, 1988.
Angela MAKHOLWA (South Africa)
The 30th candle. Macmillan South Africa, 2009. Fiction.
Reneilwe MALATJI (South Africa)
Love interrupted. Cape Town: Modjaji Books, 2013. Fiction.
Winnie MANDELA (South Africa)
Part of my soul went with him. Edited by Anne Benjamin and adapted by Mary Benson. Rev. ed. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1985.
Zindzi MANDELA (South Africa)
Black as I am. Los Angeles: The Guild of Tutors Press, 1978.
Susan MANN (South Africa)
One tongue singing. London: Secker and Warburg, 2004. Novel.
Quarter tones. London: Harvill Secker, 2007. Novel.
J. Nozipo MARAIRE (Zimbabwe)
Zenzele: a letter for my daughter. London: Michael Joseph, 1996. Reprinted, Weidenfeld Nicolson, 1996 (Pb); Knosana, 1996. Novel.
Julia MARTIN (South Africa)
A millimetre of dust: visiting ancestral sites. Cape Town: Kwela Books, 2008. Travel memoir.
Stella MARTINS (Nigeria)
Hot shot. Nigeria: Fourth Dimension, 2002. Novel.
Our moment in time. Nigeria: Fourth Dimension, 2002. Novel.
The hellion. Fourth Dimension Publishing, 2002. Novel.
Barbara MARKHALISA (Zimbabwe)
Qilindini. [Cunning Treacherous Man; translated from Ndebele by Flora Veit-Wild, Teachers, preachers, non-believers: a social history of Zimbabwean literature, 1993]. Salisbury: Longman, in association with the Rhodesia Literature Bureau, 1974.
Umendo.[Marriage, translated from Ndebele by Flora Veit-Wild, Teachers, preachers, non-believers: a social history of Zimbabwean literature, 1993]. Gwelo: Mambo Press, in association with the Rhodesia Literature Bureau, 1977.
Umhlaba lo!. [What a world!; translated from Ndebele by Flora Veit-Wild, Teachers, preachers, non-believers: a social history of Zimbabwean literature, 1993]. Gwelo: Mambo Press, in association with teh Rhodesia Literature Bureau, 1977.
Impilo yinkinga. [Life is a mystery; translated from Ndebele by Flora Veit-Wild, Teachers, preachers, non-believers: a social history of Zimbabwean literature, 1993]. Harare: Longman, in association with the Literature Bureau, 1983.
The underdog and other stories. Gweru: Mambo Press, 1984. [In Ndebele].
Cecilia MASHAYENI (Zimbabwe)
Ndambakuudzwa. [For better or for worse; translated from Ndebele by Flora Veit-Wild, Teachers, preachers, non-believers: a social history of Zimbabwean literature, 1993]. Salisbury: Rhodesia Litearture Bureau, 1979.
Lebogang MASHILE (South Africa)
In a ribbon of rhythm. Oshun Books, 2005. Poetry.
Flying above the sky. With a Forword by Keorapetse Kgositsile. Johannesburg: The author, 2008. Poetry.
Emma MASHININI (South Africa)
Strikes have followed me all my life. London: Women's Press, 1989. Biography.
Kopano MATLWA. (South Africa)
Coconut. Johannesburg: Jacana Media, 2008. Fiction.
Lerato MATSANENG (South Africa)
Love is on the Menu. Cape Town: Kwela Books (Sapphire Press Series), 2011. Fiction.
Kholo MATSHA (South Africa)
In love with the enemy. Cape Town: Kwela Books (Sapphire Press Series), 2011. Fiction
Dalene MATTHEE (South Africa)
Pieternella, daughter of Eva. Translated by Malcolm Hacksley. Johannesburg: Penguin, 2008. First published in Afrikaans as Pieternella van die Kaap. Cape Town: Tafelberg, 2000.
Dream forest. Penguin Books (SA), 2005. Novel.
Circles in a forest. Penguin Books (SA), 2003. Novel. Hardcover appeared in 1984, Alfred a Knopf.
Fiela's child. Penguin Books (SA), 2003. Novel. Various other editions since 1990.
Elle MATTHEWS (South Africa)
Oil on water. Images and artwork by Peter Matthews. Umhlanga Rocks: Thyme Publishing, 2008.
Marina MAXWELL (South Africa)
Land of the long grass. Covos Day Books, 2001. Fiction.
Nadine MAY (South Africa)
Orphanage of soulmates, Richard's journal, 2003. Novel.
The cosmic traveller. Cape Town: Kima Global, 2008. Novel.
Bongekile Joyce MBANJWA (South Africa)
Izinhlungu zomphefumulo: incwadi yezinkondlo. [Emotional pain: a collection of poems]. Translated by Siphiwe ka Ngwenya ; Emotional pain: a collection of poems. Braamfontein: Botsotso, 2008. Parallel text in Zulu. Poetry.
Florence MBAYA (Kenya)
A Journey within. Kenya: East African Educational Publishers, 2008. Fiction.
Diana Bamford McBAGONLURI (Ghana)
Boomerang. Accra: Excellent Publishing, 2003. Drama.
Tears of a rain goddess. Accra: Excellent Publishing, 2003. Novel.
The king's drumbeat. Accra: Yamens Publications, 2001. Drama.
Michelle McGRANE (South Africa)
The suitable girl. Cape Town: Modjaji Books, 2011. Poetry.
Jassy MacKENZIE (South Africa)
My brother's keeper. Cape Town: Umuzi, 2009. Crime fiction.
Stolen lives. Cape Town: Umuzi, 2010. Crime fiction.
Worst case. Cape Town: Umuzi, 2011. Crime fiction.
June McKINNON (South Africa)
A tapestry of lives. Cape women of the 17th century. Roggebaai: Kwela Books, 2004. Non-fiction.
Bridget McNULTY (South Africa)
Strange nervous laughter. Cape Town: Struik Publishers (Oshun Books), 2007. Fiction.
Fatima MEER (South Africa)
The trial of Andrew Zondo. Johannesburg: Skotaville, 1987.
Higher than hope: an authorized biography of Nelson Mandela. London: Hamish Hamilton, 1990. Life writing.
Prison diary. One hundred and thirty days, 1976. Roggebai, South Africa: Kwela Books, 2001. Autobiography.
Shamin MEER (South Africa)
Women speak: reflections on our struggles, 1982-1997. Roggebai, South Africa: Kwela Books, 1998. Edited collection of women's writings.
Teresa Ekwutosi MENIRU (Nigeria)
The bad fairy and the caterpillar and other stories Ibadan: Evans, 1971.
The carver and the leopard. Ibadan: Evans, 1971.
The melting girl and other stories. Ibadan: Evans, 1971.
Unoma. Ibadan: Unoma, 1976.
Omalinze, a book of Igbo folk-tales. Ibadan: OUP, 1977. Co-authored.
Unoma at College. Ibadan: Evans, 1981.
Footsteps in the dark. Ibadan: Macmillan, 1982.
The drums of joy. Ibadan: Macmillan, 1982.
Ibe the cannon boy. Ibadan: A.U.P., ?.
The last card. Ibadan: Macmillan, ?.
Jenna MERVIS (South Africa)
Woman unfolding. Cape Town: Modjaji Books, 2011. Poetry
Joan METERLERKAMP (South Africa)
Towing the line. Carrefour, 1992. Poetry.
Stone no more. South Africa: Gecko, 1995. Poetry.
Into the day breaking. South Africa: Gecko, 2000. Poetry.
Floating islands. Mokoro, 2001. Poetry.
Requiem. Deep South, 2001. Poetry.
Carrying the fire. Subestancebooks, 2005. Poetry.
Burnt offerings. Cape Town: Modjaji Books, 2009. Poetry
Thando MGQOLOZANA (South Africa)
Hear me. Johannesburg: Jacana, 2011. Novel.
Gcina MHLOPHE (South Africa)
The snake with seven heads. Illustrated by Hargreaves Ntukwana. Johannesburg, Skotaville Publishers, 1989. Children's fiction.
Have you seen Zandile? Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 1990.
Queen of the tortoises. Johannesburg: Skotaville, 1990.
The singing dog. Illustrated by Erica Maritz and Andries Maritz. Johannesburg: kotaville, 1992. Children's stories.
Fudukazi's magic. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999. Fiction.
Love child. Durban: University of Natal Press, 2002. Various.
Lucy MICHOT (Zimbabwe)
Chinongwa. Johannesburg: STE, 2008. Novel
Ann MILLER (South Africa)
Ariel Rose. Johannesburg: AD Donker, 1984. Novel.
Kirsten MILLER (South Africa)
All is fish. Johannesburg: Jacana Media, 2007.
Ruth MILLER (South Africa)
Floating island. Cape Twon, 1965. Poetry.
Selected poems. London, 1968. Poetry.
Poems, prose, plays. Ed. Lionel Abrahams. Cape Town: Carrefour, 1990.
Sarah Gertrude MILLIN (South Africa)
God's stepchildren. New York; London, 1924; Johhannesburg, 1986. Novel.
Mary Glenn. New York; London, 1925. Novel.
The Herr Witchdoctor. Johannesburg, 1941. Novel.
King of the bastards. New York, 1949. Novel.
The burning man. New York; London, 1952. Novel.
The wizard bird. Johannesburg; London, 1962). Novel.
The measure of my days. Johannesburg; New York; London, 1955. Autobiography.
Helen MOFFETT (South Africa)
Heartfruit. Cape Town: Modjaji Books, 2009. Poetry
Wame MOLEFHE (South Africa)
Go tell the sun. Cape Town: Modjaji Books, 2011. Poetry.
Tshego MONAISA (South Africa)
Poetry of love. Cape Town: Kwela Books (Sapphire Press Series), 2010. Fiction.
Praba MOODLEY (South Africa)
The heart knows no colour. Roggebai, South Africa: Kewla Books, 2003. Fiction.
A scent so sweet. Cape Town: Kwela Books, 2006. Fiction.
Follow Your Heart. Cape Town: Kwela Books, 2009. Fiction.
Rose Rappaport MOSS (South Africa)
The family reunion. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, NY, 1974. Novel.
The schoolmaster. Johannesburg: Ravan Press, 1981. Novel. Originally published as The Terrorist. Harvester Press, Sussex, England, 1979. Second edition, 1995.
Shouting at the crocodile: Popo Molefe, Patrick Lekota and the freeing of South Africa. Beacon Press, Boston, MA, 1990.
In court and other stories. Penguin Modern Classics, 2008.
Natasha MOSTERT (South Africa)
The midnight side. HarperCollins, 2001. Fiction.
The other side of Silence. Manchester: Coronet, 2002.
Windwalker. Cape Town: Struik Publishers (Oshun Books), 2005.
Season of the witch. London: Dutton, 2007. Fiction.
Nolo MOTHOAGAE (South Africa)
A prince for me.
Dambisa MOYO (Zambia)
Dead aid: why aid is not working and how there is a better way for Africa. New York: Farrar, Stans and Giroux, 2009.
Sarudzai MUBVAKURE (Zimbabwe)
A disappointing truth: the tragic story of Sarah Witt. Guildford, Surrey: Grosvenor House, 2008. Novel
Hazel DE SILVA (Kenya)
Black night at Quiloa. Nairobi: EA Publishing, 1971. Novel.
Micere Githae MUGO (Kenya)
The trial of Dedan Kimathi. London: Heinemann, 1976. (AWS; 191). Drama. Co-written with Ngugi wa Thiong'o.
Daughter of my people, sing! Nairobi: EALB, 1976. Poetry.
The long illness of ex-chief Kiti. Nairobi: EALB, 1976. Drama.
My mother's poem and other songs. Nairobi: East African Educational Publishers, 1994.
Daphne MUIR (South Africa)
A virtuous woman. London: Chatto and Windus, 1929. Novel.
E. MULLER (Namibia)
When you dance with a crocodile. Windhoek: Wordweaver Publishing House, 2012. Children's stories.
Sally-Ann MURRAY (South Africa)
Shifting. Cape Town: Carrefour, 1991. Poetry.
Sophia MUSTAFA, (1922-2005) (Tanzania)
In the shadow of Kirinyaga. Toronto: Tsar Publications, 2002. Fiction.
Broken reed. Tanzania: E & D Ltd., 2005. Fiction.
Martha MVUNGI (Tanzania)
Three solid stones. London: Heinemann, 1985. Novel.
Yasin in trouble. Nairobi: Heinemann, 1990. Children's.
Beverley NAIDOO (South Africa)
Journey to Jo'Burg: a South African story. 1985. Children, novel.
Chain of fire. 1989. Children, novel.
No turning back. 1995. Novel.
The other side of truth. 2000. Novel.
Out of bounds. Seven stories of conflict and hope. New York: Harper Collins, 2003.
Glaydah Namukasa (Uganda)
Voice of a dream. Uganda: Femrite Publications, 2005. Novel.
Paula NANGLE (Zimbabwe)
The leper compound. New York: Bellevue Literary Press, 2008. Novel.
Malika Lueen NDLOVU (South Africa)
Born in Africa but. Educall Publishers, 2000. Poetry.
Invisible earthquake: a woman's journal through still birth. Cape Town: Modjaji Books, 2006. Non-fiction.
Truth is both spirit and flesh. LoTsha Publications, 2008. Poetry.
Nomvuyo NGCELWANE (South Africa)
Sala Kahle, District Six: an African woman's perspective. Roggebaai, South Africa: Kwela Books, 1998. Autobiography.
Lauretta NGCOBO (South Africa)
Cross of gold. London: Longman, 1981. Novel.
And they didn't die. London: Virago. 1990. Novel.
Fiki learns to like other people. London: Macmillan, 1993. Reprinted, Macmillans, 1994.
Lydiah Mumbi NGUYA (Kenya)
The first seed. Kampala: EA Literature Bureau, 1975. Novel.
Gladys NGWENYA (Zimbabwe)
Silver roses. Harare: College Press Publishers, 1999. Children's fiction.
Rebecca [Rebeka] NJAU (Kenya)
The scar: a tragedy in one act. Moshi, Tanzania: Lobp Art Gallery, 1965. Drama.
Ripples in the pool. Nairobi; London: Transafrica Pub.; Heinemann, 1975 (AWS; 203). Novel.
The hypocrite and other stories. Nairobi: Uzima Press, 1977. Short stories.
Kenya women heroes and their mystical power. With Gideon Mulaki. Nairobi : Risk Publications, 1984.
The sacred seed. 2003. Novel.
Stella Kahaki NJUGUNA (Kenya)
Labyrinth. Nairobi. 2000. Novel.
Sankie NKONDO (South Africa)
Flames of fury and other poems. Johannesburg: COSAW, 1990.
Shukie NKOSANA (South Africa)
Cherry marbles. Cape Town: Kwela Books (Sapphire Press Series), 2010. Fiction.
Phyllis NTANTALA (South Africa)
A life's mosaic. David Philip, Cape Town; University of California Press, Berkeley, 1993. Autobiography.
Futhi NTSHINGILA (South Africa)
Shameless. Scottsville: University of KwaZulu-Natal Press, 2008. Novel.
Cheryl NTUMY (Ghana)
Beauty and the broker. Cape Town: Kwela Books (Sapphire Press Series), 2010. Fiction.
Hot property. Cape Town: Kwela Books (Sapphire Press Series). Fiction.
The vow. Cape Town: Kwela Books (Sapphire Press Series), 2012. Fiction.
Malla NUNN (South Africa)
A beautiful place to die. New York: Atria, 2009; also Northlands: Picador Africa, 2009. First published: Sydney: Macmillan, 2008. Fiction
Let the dead lie. Washington Square Press, 2010. Crime fiction.
Blessed are the dead. Atria/Emily Bestler Books, 2012. Crime fiction.
Present darkness. Atria/Emily Bestler Books, 2013. Crime fiction.
Kate NWANKWO (Nigeria)
Fatal greed. Nigeria: Fourth Dimension Publishing Company, 2002. Fiction.
Flora NWAPA (Nigeria)
Efuru. London: Heinemann, 1966. (AWS; 26). Novel.
Idu. London: Heinemann, 1969. (AWS; 56). Novel.
This is Lagos and other stories. Enugu, Nigera: Nwamife, 1980. Also pub.: Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press, 1992. (Africa women writers series). Short stories.
One is enough. Enugu, Nigeria: Flora Nwapa Co., 1981. Also pub.: Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press, 1992. (African women writers series). Novel.
Women are different. Enugu, Nigeria: Tana Press, 1986. Also pub.: Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press, 1992. (African women writers series). Novel.
Never again. Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press, 1992. (African Women Writers series). Novel.
Wives at war and other stories. Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press, 1992. (African Women Writers series).
Martina NWAKOBY (Nigeria)
Ten in the family. London: Evans, 1977.
A lucky chance. Ibadan: Macmillan, 1980.
Quiz time. Enugu: Nwamife, 1980.
A house divided. Enigu: Fourth Dimension, 1985.
Adaobi Tricia NWAUBANI (Nigeria)
I Do not come to you by chance. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2009. Novel.
Eve Zvichanzi NYEMBA (Zimbabwe)
Look within. [Aus voller seele: ausgewählte gedichte], in Englisch and German Deutsch; published with Foreword by Silvia Petzke and translated by Bettina Weiss; drawings by Amy Laidlaw. Heidelberg: Kalliope, 2008. Parallel text in English and German. Poetry.
Freedom T.V. NYAMUBAYA (Zimbabwe)
On the road again: poems during and after the national liberation of Zimbabwe. Harare: Zimbabwe Publishing House, 1986.).
Dusk of dawn. Harare: College Press, 1995. Poetry.
Sekai NZENZA (Zimbabwe)
Zimbabwean woman: my own story. London: Karia Press, 1988. Autobiography.
Songs to an African sunset: a Zimbabwean story. Melbourne: Lonely Planet Publications, 1997. (Lonely Planet Journeys).
Asenath Bole ODAGA (Kenya)
The villager's son. Jande's Ambition. Kisumu: Lake Publishers and Enterprises, 1966. Children's fiction.
The secret of the monkey rock. London: Nelson, 1966.
The diamond ring. Kisumu: Lake Publishers and Enterprises, 1968. Children's fiction.
The angry flames. Kisumu: Lake Publishers and Enterprises, 1978.
Thu Tinda! Nairobi: Uzima, 1980. Children's fiction.
The shade Changes. Kisumu: Lake Publishers and Enterprises, 1984.
The storm. Kisumu: Lake Publishers and Enterprises, 1985.
A bridge in time. Kisumu: Lake Publishers and Enterprises, 1987.
Between the years. Kisumu: Lake Publishers and Enterprises, 1987.
Why the hyena has a crooked neck and other stories: anthology of short stories by Kenyan grassroots women writers & storytellers. Edited by Asenath Bole Odaga. Kisumu, Kenya: Women Literature Group, 1993.
Grace OGOT (Kenya)
The promised land. Nairobi: East African Educational Publishers, 1966. (Modern African library). New ed.: Nairobi: Heinemann Kenya, 1990. Novel.
Land without thunder. Nairobi: East African Educational Publishers, 1968 (1988). Short stories.
The graduate. Nairobi: Uzima Press, 1980. Novel.
The island of tears. Nairobi: Uzima Press, 1980. Short stories.
The strange bride. Nairobi; Heinemann, 1989. Novel. Translated from Dholuo by Okoth Okombo.
The other woman. Nairobi: East African Educational Publishers, 1992. Short stories.
Margaret OGOLA (Kenya)
The river and the source. Nairobi: Focus Books, 1994. Novel.
I Swear by Apollo. Nairobi, 1995; Focus Books, 2002. Novel.
Molara OGUNDIPE-LESLIE (Nigeria)
Emerging perspectives on Flora Nwapa. Ed. Marie Umeh. Trenton: Africa World P, 1998. "Dirge to Flora Nwapa."
Borderlines: Contemporary Poems in English. Ed. J. A. Wainright. Canada: Coppclark Longman, 1995.
New voices in West African poetry. Ed. Tijan Sallah. London and Nigeria: Malthouse P, 1995.
Literature around the globe. Ed. Fink & Allan. Iowa: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company: 1994.
The Heinemann book of African women's poetry. Ed. Chipasula and Chipasula. London: Heinemann P, 1994.
Voices: Canadian voices of African descent. Ed. Ayanna Black. Harper Collins, 1992.
Daughters of Africa. Ed. Margaret Busby. US Pantheon Books, 1992.
The Heinemann book of African poets in English. Ed. Adewale Maja-Pearse. 1990.
Voices from 20th century Africa. Ed. Chinweizu. London: Faber and Faber, 1988.
The Penguin book of modern African poetry. Ed. Gerald Moore, 1985.
African writing today. Ed. Peter Nazareth. Spec. double issue of Pacific Moana Quarterly, Hamilton, New Zealand: 6 . 3/4 (1981).
African notes. University of Ibadan: Institute of African Studies, 1980.
Moving beyond all boundaries: Black women's diasporas. 2 vols. London: Pluto P, and New York UP, 1995. An anthology of writing by women of the African diaspora: Africa, USA, Britain, the Caribbean, Canada and Latin America. [vol. 1. The International Dimensions of Black Women's Writing. vol. 2. Black Women's Diasporas.] (with Davies, Carole Boyce, eds.)
Recreating ourselves: African Women and Critical Transformations. Trenton: Africa World P, 1994. Selected in First Nomination of 100 Best Books from Africa, 2000.
The WIN DOCUMENT: The conditions of Women in Nigeria and policy recommendations to 2000 A.D. Zaria: Ahmadu Bello UP, 1985. Submitted to the U.N. Conference in Nairobi, Kenya by WIN (Women in Nigeria). (with others)
Sew the old days and other poems. London and Ibadan: Evans Brothers Publishers, 1985.
Julie OMOIFO OKOH (Nigeria)
Mask. Owerri: Totan Publishers Ltd, 1988.
The mannequins. Owerri: Springfield Publisher, 1997.
Edewede. Owerri: Totan publishers Ltd, 2000.
In the fullness of time. Owerri: Totan Publishers Ltd, 2001.
Mary Karooro OKURUT (Uganda)
The curse of the sacred cow. Kampala, Uganda: Fountain Publishers, 1994.
The invisible weevil. Uganda: Femrite Publications, 1999.
A woman's voice: an anthology of short stories by Ugandan women. Edited by Okurut. Uganda: Femrite Publications, 1999.
The official wife. Fountain Publishers: Fountain Publishers, 2003. Novel.
Ifeoma OKOYE (Nigeria)
Adventures of Tulu the Little Monkey. Enugu, Flora Nwapa, 1980.
Eme goes to school. Enugu: Flora Nwapa, 1980.
No school for Eze. Enugu: Fourth Dimension, 1980.
Only bread for Eze. Enugu: Fourth Dimension, 1980.
The Village boy. London: Macmillan, 1982.
Behind the clouds. London: Longman, 1982.
Men without ears. London: Longman, 1984.
Ayo and his pencil. London: Heinemann International,1995. Children's.
Chika's house. London: Heinemann International, 1995. Children's.
Neka goes to market. London: Heinemann International, 1996. Children's.
Mary OKOYE (Nigeria)
Nwankwo and the secret council. Ibadan: University Press.
Yewande OMOTOSO (Barbados / Nigeria / South Africa)
Bom boy. Cape Town: Modjaji Books, 2011. Fiction.
Charry Ada ONWU (Nigeria)
Catastrophe. Akure: Fagbamigbe, 1982.
One bad turn. Akure: Fagbamigbe, 1982.
Pauline ONWUBIKO (Nigeria)
Running for cover. Owerri, Nigeria: KayBeeCee, 1988. Novel.
Osonye Tess ONWUEME (Nigeria)
The broken calabash. Owerri, Nigeria: Totan, 1984. Drama.
Ban empty barn. Owerri, Nigeria: Totan, 1986. Drama.
Mirror for Campus. Owerri, Nigeria: Headway Communications, 1987. Drama.
The reign of wazobia: a play. Ibadan, Nigeria: Heinemann, 1988. Drama.
The desert encroaches. Ibadan, Nigeria: Heinemann, 1988. Drama.
Legacies: a play. Ibadan, Nigeria: Heinemann, 1989. Drama.
Three plays. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1993. Drama.
Tell it to women. Ibadan, Nigeria; in association with Africana Legacy Press, 1995.
Reissued with a foreword by Ngugi wa Thiong'o. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1997. Drama.
Riot in heaven: musical for the voices of Color. African Legacy Press, 1996. Play.
Why the elephant has no butt. San Francisco: African Heritage Press, 2000.
Shakara: dance-hall queen. San Francisco: African Heritage Press, 2000. Play.
Then she said It. Lagos and San Francisco: African Heritage Press, 2002. Play.
What Mama said: an epic drama. Wayne State University Press, 2003.
No vacancy. Trenton, NJ.: Africa World Press, 2004. Play.
Grace N. A. OSIFO (Nigeria)
Dramas of love and marriage. Enugu: Nwamife, 1978. Three plays.
Dizzy Angel. Ibadan: University Press, 1985.
Anji OSSAI (Nigeria)
Tolulope. Walton-on-Thames: Nelson, 1979.
Helen OVBIAGELE (Nigeria)
Evbu, my love.London: Macmillan, 1983.
Mercy OWUSU-NIMOH (Ghana)
The walking calabash and other stories. Tema, Ghana: Ghana Publishing Corporation.
Kofizee goes to school. Tema, Ghana: Ghana Publishing Corporation, 1978.
Goldlyn Ugonna OZOWUBA (Nigeria)
Beyond imagination. London: The London Press, 2008. Novel.
Ellen PALESTRANT (South Africa)
Nosedive and other writings. Johannesburg: AD Donker, 1983. Short fiction.
Eve PALMER (South Africa)
The plains of Camdeboo: the classic book of the Karoo. Re. edition. Johannesburg: Lowery Publishers, 1986 [London, 1966].
Fatima PAM (Nigeria)
Amina the milkmaid. Ikeja, Nigeria: Longman Nigeria, 1988.
Heather PARKER (South Africa)
The interloper: arrivals, journeys, departures. Cape Town: Ihilihili Press, 2008. Novel.
Gaile PARKIN (South Africa)
Baking cakes in Kigali. London: Atlantic Books, 2009. Novel.
Nazia PEER (South Africa)
House of peace. South Africa: Madiba Books, 2005. Novel.
Sarah PENNY (South Africa)
The beneficiaries. London: Penguin Books, 2002. Novel.
Mari PETE (South Africa)
Amytis. South Africa: Umsinsi Press, 2007. Poetry.
Begin. South Africa: Umsinsi Press, 2002. Poetry.
Naka PILLMAN (South Africa)
An African Cameo. Cape Town: Joho Books, 2008. Fiction.
Bridget PITT (South Africa)
Unbroken wing. Roggebaai, South Africa: Kwela Books, 1998.
Virginia PHIRI (Zimbabwe)
Desperate. Harare, Hunyani Printers, 2002. Novel.
Menán du PLESSIS (South Africa)
A state of fear. London: Pandor, 1987, c1983. Novel.
Longlive! Cape Town: D. Philip, 1989. Reprinted, Penguin, 1991. Novel.
Marguerite POLAND (South Africa)
The bush shrike. Johannesburg: Ravan, 1979. Children's literature.
The mantis and the moon: stories for the children of Africa. Illustrated by Leigh Voigt Johannesburg: Ravan Press, 1979. Children's stories.
The wood-ash Stars. Cape Town: David Philip, 1986.
The train to Doringhult. London: Bodley Head, 1987.
The small clay bull.Cape Town: David Philip, 1989.
Shades. London: Viking, 1993.
Iron love. London: Viking, 1999. Novel.
Once at Kwa Fubesi. Johannesburg: Ravan Press, 1989. Novel.
Recessional for Grace. Johannesburg: Penguin SA, 2004. Novel.
Sobhna POONA (South Africa)
In search of rainbows. Braamfontein: Skotaville, 1990.
Pamela POWER (South Africa)
Ms Conception. Cape Town: eKhaya, 2012. Fiction.
Karen PRESS (South Africa)
This winter coming. Cinnamon Crocodile, 1986. Poetry.
Children of Africa. Illustrated by Shelley Sacks. Cape Town: Buchu Books, 1987. Short stories.
Krotoa. Illustrations by Jeff Rankin. Pietermaritzburg, South Africa: Centaur Publications, 1990. Series: Hidden histories.
Bird heart stoning the sea. Buchu Books, 1990. Poetry.
History is the dispossession of the heart. Cinnamon Crocodile, 1992. Poetry.
The coffee shop poems. Plumstead, South Africa: Snailpress, 1993.
Let it come back. Isando, South Africa: Heineamnn Gap, 1994. Young adult fiction.
Echo location: a guide to Sea Point for residents and visitors. Durban: Gecko Poetry, 1998. Poetry / mixed-genre.
Home. Manchester: Carcanet, 2000.
The little museum of working life. South Africa: Deep South, 2004. Poetry.
Jessie PRISMAN (South Africa)
Fifty-three. Cape Town et al: Purnell, 1971. Poetry.
Sue RABIE (South Africa)
Boston snowplough. Cape Town: Human & Rousseau, 2008. Fiction.
Mamphela RAMPHELE (South Africa)
Across boundaries: the journey of a South African woman leader. The Feminist Press, 1997; 1999. Autobiography.
A bed called home: Life in the Migrant Hostels of Cape Town. Ohio UP, 1993. With Roger Meintjies, photographer.
Mamphela Ramphele: a life. 2nd ed. Cape Town: D. Philip, 1996.
Jayapraga REDDY (South Africa)
On the fringe of dreamtime and other stories. Johannesburg, South Africa: Skotaville, 1987. Short Stories.
Molly REINHARDT (South Africa)
What makes the Southern Cross. Illustrated by David Marais. Cape Town: Howard Timmins, 1964. Poetry.
Azila Talit REISENBERGER (South Africa)
Life in translation. Athlone: Modjaji Books, 2008. Poetry.
Maggie RESHA (South Africa)
My Life in the struggle. Mangoana o Tsoara thipa ka bohaleng. SA Writers, London and COSAW, Johannesburg, 1992. Autobiography.
Bryony RHEAM (Zimbabwe)
This September sun. Harare: amabooks Publishers, 2009. Fiction.
Jo-Anne RICHARDS (South Africa)
Touching the lighthouse. London: Headline Book Publishing, 1997. Novel.
The innocence of roast chicken. London Headdline Book Publishing, 1996. Novel.
My brother's book. Johannesburg: Picador Africa, 2008.
Nikki RIDLEY (South Africa)
The million-dollar teaspoon. Cape Town: Struik Publishers (Zebra Books), 2006. Life writing.
Lillian RINNDYEBWA (Uganda)
Recipe for disaster. Uganda: Fountain Publishers, 2003 [1995]. Novel.
Sheila ROBERTS (South Africa)
Outside life's feast. Joannesburg: Donker, 1975. Short stories.
He's my brother. Johannesburg: Donker, 1977. Novel.
Johannesburg requiem: a Novel. New York: Taplinger, 1980. Originally published in South Africa as He's my brother. Banned by the South African authorities and reprinted in New York under this new title.
The weekenders. Johannesburg: Bateleur Press, 1981.
Dan Jacobson. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1984. Literary Criticism.
Dialogues and divertimenti. Craighall: Donker, 1985.
Jacks in corners. Craighall: Donker, 1987. Novel.
Coming in and other stories. Johannesburg: Justified Press, 1993. Short stories.
Still the frame holds: essays on women poets and writers. San Bernardino: Borgo Press, 1993. Literary criticism.
Daughters and other dutiful women. Johannesburg: Justified Press, 1995. Poetry.
Heather ROBERTSON (South Africa)
Under the sun. Illustrated by Andrew Putter. Cape Town: Snailpress, 1991.
Jenny ROBSON (South Africa)
Where shadows fall. Cape Town: Kwela Books, 1996.
Don't panic mechanic. Cape Town: Tafelberg, 1994. Young adult fiction.
Because pula means rain. Cape Town: Tafelberg, 2000. Young adult fiction.
Daphne ROOKE (South Africa)
Mittee. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1951. Novel.
Zuretha ROOS (South Africa)
The saffron pear tree and other kitchen memories. Cape Town: Oshun Books, 2005. Memoir.
Jane ROSENTHAL (South Africa)
Uncertain consolations. Plumstead: Snailpress, 1993. Novel.
Henrietta ROSE-INNES (South Africa)
Shark's egg. Cape Town: Kwela Books, 2000. Fiction.
The rock alphabet. Cape Town: Kwela Books, 2004. Fiction.
Nice times!: A book of South African pleasures and delights. Cape Town: Double Storey Books, 2006. Non-fiction.
Homing. Cape Town: Umuzi, 2010. Fiction.
Nineveh. Cape Town: Umuzi, 2011. Fiction.
Valerie ROSENBERG (South Africa)
Sunflower to the sun: the life story of Herman Charles Bosman. Kaapstad: Human and Rousseau, 1976. Biography.
Herman Charles Bosman, a Pictorial Biography. Johannesburg: Perskor, 1981. Biography.
Herman Charles Bosman: between the lines. Cape Town: Struik Publishers, 2005. Biography.
The Von Veltheim file. Cape Town: Human and Rousseau, 1997. Novel.
Catriona ROSS (South Africa)
The love book. Cape Town: Oshun Books, 2005. Fiction.
Eva ROYSTON (South Africa)
One hundred and three poems. Johannesburg: Renoster Books, 1973. Poetry.
Kristina RUNGANO (Zimbabwe)
A storm is brewing. Harare: Zimbabwe Publishing House, 1984. Poetry.
Beverly RYCROFT (South Africa)
Missing. Athlone: Modjaji Books, 2010. Poetry.
Irene SABATINI (Zimbabwe)
The boy next door. New York: Little, Brown & Co., 2009. Novel..
Jameela SADDIQI (Kenya)
Feast of the nine virgins. London: Bogle-L'Ouverture, 2001. Novel.
Arja SALAFRANCA (South Africa)
The thin line. Athlone: Modjaji Books, 2010. Short stories.
The fire in which we burn. Johannesburg: Dye Hard Press, 2000. Short fiction.
Agnes SAM (South Africa)
Jesus is Indian and other stories. London: Heinemann, 1994.
Shamim SARIF (South Africa)
The world unseen. London: Women's Press, 2001. Novel.
Reviva SCHERMBRUCKER (South Africa)
Lucky Fish. Johannesburg: Jacana Books, 2003. Novel.
An African christmas cloth. Johannesburg: Jacana Media, 2007. Fiction, Young adults.
Karin SCHIMKE (South Africa)
Bare and breaking. Cape Town: Modjaji Books, 2012. Poetry
Gail SCHIMMEL (South Africa)
Marriage vows. Cape Town: Kwela Books, 2008. Fiction.
Patricia SCHONSTEIN PINNOCK (South Africa)
Skyline. Cape Town: David Philip, 2000. Fiction.
A time of angels. London: Bantam Press, 2003. Novel.
The apothecary's daughter. Black Swan, 2005. Novel.
A quilt of dreams. Black Swan, 2007. Novel.
The master's ruse. Cape Town: African Sun Press, 2008. Novel.
Barbara SCHREINER (South Africa)
My spirit is not banned: The Story of Frances Baard. Harare: Zimbabwe Publishing House, 1987.
The gossiping grass. Johannesburg: Macmillan Boleswa, 1992. Poetry.
Olive SCHREINER (South Africa)
The story of an African farm. New York : Garland Pub, 1975. Victorian fiction, novels of faith and doubt Series. Reprint of the 1883 ed. published by Chapman and Hall, London.
Dreams. London: Unwin, 1890.
Dream life and real life. London: Unwin, 1893.
Trooper Peter Halket of Mashonaland. London: Unwin, 1897.
Women and labour. London: Unwin, 1911.
From man to man; or perhaps only .... London: Unwin, 1926.
Thoughts on South Africa. London: Unwin, 1923.
Undine. London: Harper, 1928.
Jenny SEED (South Africa)
To the rescue. London: Hamish Hamilton, 1966.
Peter the gardener. London: Hamish Hamilton, 1966.
Timothy and Tinker. London: Hamish Hamilton, 1967.
The river man. London: Hamish Hamilton, 1968.
Canvas city. London: Hamish Hamilton, 1968.
The voice of the great elephant. London: Hamish Hamilton, 1968.
The prince of the bay. London: Hamish Hamilton, 1970.
Kulumi the brave. London: Hamish Hamilton, 1970. With Trevor Stubley.
The great thirst. London: Hamish Hamilton, 1971.
The broken spear. London: Hamish hamilton, 1972.
The sly green lizard. London: Hamish Hamilton, 1973.
The bushman's dream. London: Hamish Hamilton, 1974.
Warriors on the hills. Abelard Schuman, 1975.
Strangers in the land. London: Hamish Hamilton, 1976.
Gold dust. London: Hamish Hamilton, 1982. With Bill Le Fever.
Ntombi's song. Johannesburg: Ravan, 1987.
The far-away valley. With Joan Rankin. South Africa: Daan Retief, 1987.
The big pumpkin. Cape Town: Human and Rousseau, 1989.
Bongani's own chair. With Cornelia Holm. ABC Children's Book Club, 1991.
Tom's garden. With Kathy Pienaar. South Africa: Daan Retief, 1992. Non-fiction.
Mabel SEGUN (Nigeria)
My father's daughter. Lagos: African University Press, 1965.
Friends, Nigerians, countrymen. Ibadan, Oxford University Press, 1971.
Under the mango tree: songs and poems for primary schools. Harlow, England: Longman, 1980.
Youth day parade. Ibadan: DUCA, 1983.
My mother's daughter. Ibadan: African University Press, 1985.
Olu and the Broken Statue. Ibadan: New Horn Press, 1985.
Conflict and other poems. Ibadan: New Horn Press, 1986.
Ntsoaki SENOKOANYANE (South Africa)
Their light, love and life: A Black Nurse's story. Roggebaai, South Africa: Kwela Books, 1996.
Mari SEREBROV (Namibia)
Mama Namibia. Windhoek: Wordweaver Publishing House, 2013. Fiction.
Chrystal SHARP (South Africa)
If the cat fits: stories of a vet's wife. Johannesburg: Penguin SA, 2001. Life writing / Short stories.
Dog in my footstep: more stories of a vet's wife. Johannesburg: Penguin SA, 2002. Life writing / Short Stories.
In fool flight: yet more stories of a vet's wife. Johannesburg: Penguin SA, 2003. Life writing / Short stories.
Lola SHONEYIN (Nigeria)
So all the time I was sitting on an egg. Ibadan: Ovalonion House, 1998. Poetry. Song of the Riverbird.. Ovalonion House, 2001. Poetry.
Joyce SIKAKANE (South Africa)
A window on Soweto. London: International Defense and Aid Fund for South Africa, 1977.
Joyce SIMANGO (Zimbabwe)
Zviuya zviri mberi. [God things are ahead]. Salisbury: Longman, in association with the Rhodesia Literature Bureau, 1974. [In Ndebele]
Marilet SIENAERT (South Africa)
The I of the beholder. Roggebai, South Africa: Kwela Books, 2001. Study of Breyten Breytenbach's painting and writing.
Elinor SISULU (South Africa)
The day Gogo went to vote. Audiobook on cassette, 2000 and CD, 2006. Children audience.
Gillian SLOVO (South Africa)
Morbid symptoms: A murder Mystery. Dembner Books, 1984.
Close call. London: Michael Joseph, 1988.
Death by analysis. London: Women's Press, 1986. Novel.
Death comes staccato. London: Women's Press, 1987. Novel.
Ties of blood. London: M. Joseph, 1989. Novel.
The betrayal. London: M. Joseph, 1991. Novel.
Façade. London, Michael Joseph, 1993. Reprinted, Virago, 1994. Novel.
Catnap. London: Michael Joseph, 1994. Reprinted, Virago, 1995; St. Martin's Press, 1996. Mystery.
Every secret thing: my family, my country. London: Little Brown and Company, 1997. Autobiography / Biography.
Ice road. London: Virago, 2004. Novel.
Black orchids. London: Virago, 2008. Novel.
Shawn SLOVO (South Africa)
A World apart. London: Faber, 1988. Children's.
Alex SMITH (South Africa)
Algeria's way. Cape Town: Umuzi (Random House), 2007. Novel.
Pauline SMITH (South Africa)
The little Karoo. London: Doran, 1925. Reprinted, New York, 1952; Cape Town, 1990. Short stories.
The beadle. London: Doran, 1926. Reprinted, Cape Town, 1981. Novel.
Platkops children. London: Cape, 1935; Cape Town, 1981. Children's stories.
Hold yourself dear. New York: J. Messner, 1965.
Sylvia Bond SMITH (Zimbabwe)
Ginette. Harare Books of Zimbabwe, 1980.
Fiona SNYCKERS (South Africa)
Trinity rising. Johannesburg: Jonathan Ball, 2009. Fiction.
Gaele SOBOTT-MOGWE (Botswana)
Colour me blue. London: Heinemann, 1995.
Zulu SOFOLA (Nigeria)
The deer hunter, and the hunter's pearl. London: Evans Bros., 1969. Drama.
Wedlock of the gods. London: Evans, 1973.
King Emene. Ibadan: Heinemann, 1975.
The wizard of law. Ibadan: Evans, 1975.
The sweet trap. Ibadan: University Press Limited, 1977.
Old wines are tasty. Ibadan: University Press Limited, 1981.
The disturbed peace of Christmas. Ibadan: Daystar Press Limited, 1968.
Memories in the moonlight. Ibadan: Evans, 1986.
Song of a maiden. Ibadan: University Press Limited, 1986.
Dorothea SPEARS (South Africa)
Van Riebeeck, a song of to-morrow. London: The Fortune Press; Cape Town: Maskew Miller, 1952. Poetry.
Pat STAMATÉLOS (South Africa)
Die portier. Kwela Books, 2009. Fiction. Afrikaans.
Kroes. Kwela Books, 2005. Fiction. Afrikaans.
Rhona STERN (South Africa)
The cactus land. London: Michael Joseph, 1964. Novel.
The bird flies blind. London: Michael Joseph, 1965. Novel.
Stop halfway and look at the view. London: Michael Joseph, 1969. Novel
Nora STEVENSON (South Africa)
African harvest. London: Thorton Butterworth, 1928. Novel.
So much has happened. London: Jonathan Cape, 1939. Novel.
Dianne STEWART (South Africa)
African myths and legends. With Jay Heal. Cape Town: Struik Publishers, 2001. Non-fiction.
The zebra's stripes and other African animal tales. Illustrated by Kathy Pienaar. Cape Town: Struik Publishers, 2004. Children's stories.
Folktales from Africa. With Marjorie van Heerden. Cape Town: Struik Publishers, 2006. Children's stories.
The guineafowl's spots and other African bird tales. Illustrated by Richard MacKintosh. Cape Town: Struik Publishers, 2007. Children's stories.
The zebra's stripes (in Zulu). Illustrated by Kathy Pienaar, Tr. by Ndabayakhe William Zulu. Cape Town: Struik Publishers, 2008. Children's stories.
Wilma STOCKENSTROM (South Africa)
The expedition to the baobab tree. London; Boston: Faber and Faber, 1983. Originally published in Afrikaans as Die Kumentartekspadisie. Translated by J. M. Coetzee.
Toni STRASBURG (South Africa)
Fractured lives. Cape Town: Modjaji Books, 2013. Life writing.
Gertrud STRAUSS (South Africa)
The bloodspot and other stories. South Africa: Soho Collective, 1999. Short fiction.
Laure St. JOHN (Zimbabwe)
The white giraffe. London: Orion Books, 2006. Children's fiction.
The dolphin song. London: Orion Books, 2007. Children's fiction.
Rainbow's end: a memoir of childhood, war and an African farm. Scribner, 2007. Life writing.
The last leopard. London: Orion Books, 2008. Children's fiction.
Efua Theodora SUTHERLAND (Ghana)
Playtime in Africa. With photographs by Willis E. Bell. London: Brown Knight and Truscott, 1960; New: Atheneum, 1962. Poetry.
The roadmakers. With Willis E. Bell. Accra: Ghana Information Services, 1961; London: Newman Neame, 1963.
Foriwa. Tema, Ghana:State Publishing Corporation, 1967). Play.
Vulture! Vulture! [and Tahinta]: Two Rhythm Plays. Accra: Ghana Publishing, 1968. Children's play.
The original Bob: the story of Bob Johnson, Ghana's ace comedian. With Willis E. Bell. Accra: Anowuo, 1970
Anansegoro: story-telling drama in Ghana. Accra: Afram, 1975.
The marriage of Anansewa. London: Longman, 1975. Play.
Edufa. London: Longmans, Green, 1967; Washington, D.C.: Three Continents, 1979. Play.
The voice in the forest. New York: Philomel, 1983.
The marriage of Anansewa. Harlow: Longman, 1975. Drama.
Victoria SWAARTBOOI, aka Nombulelo Mermaid (South Africa)
U-Mandisa. Lovedale, South Africa: Lovedale Press, 1933. Novel (in Xhosa).
Rita SWANEPOEL (South Africa)
Missis Victoria. Roggebaai, South Africa: Kwela Books,1996.
Valerie TAGWIRA (Zimbabwe)
The uncertainty of hope. Auckland Park: Jacana Media, 2008. First published: Harare: Weaver Press, 2006. Winner of the 2008 NAMA award (National Arts Merit Award). Novel.
Dora TAYLOR (South Africa)
Rage of life. Johannesburg: Penguin SA, 2009. Novel
Don't tread on my dreams. Penguin SA, 2008. Novel.
Debbie TAYLOR (Zimbabwe)
The Children who sleep by the river. USA: Interlink Publishers, 1992. Novel.
Jacqui TAYLOR (Zimbabwe)
An African ABC. Cape Town: Struik Publishers, 2001. Children's writing.
A baobab is big. Cape Town: Struik Publishers, 2004. Children's writing.
Carolyn TERRY (South Africa)
The fortune seekers. London: Century, 1985. Novel.
My beautiful mistress. London: Little, Brown, 1997. Reprinted, Warner, 1998. Novel.
The pageant train. Time Warner, 1999. Novel.
Dora TAYLOR (South Africa)
Kathie. Johannesburg: Penguin SA, 2008. Novel.
Don't tread on my dreams. Johannesburg: Penguin SA, 2008. Short stories.
Moira THATCHER (South Africa)
Tselane: a legend of Lesotho. Cape Town: Tafelberg, 1966.
Kate THOMPSON (South Africa)
The painted caves: a story about the Derains. London et al: George G. Harrap and Co., 1968. Novel.
Mandevilla. London et al: George G. Harrap and Co., 1958. Novel.
Great house. London et al: George G. Harrap and Co., 1972. Novel.
Miriam TLALI (South Africa)
Muriel at metropolitan. Johannesburg; London: Ravan Press; Longman, 1975. Novel.
Amandla. Johannesburg: Ravan Press, 1980. Novel.
Mihloti. Johannesburg: Skotaville Publishers, 1984.
Footprints in the quag: stories and dialogues from Soweto. Cape Town: D. Philip, 1989. Also pub. as:Soweto stories. London: Pandora, 1989.
Between two worlds. London: Longman, 1995. (Longman African Writers Series).
Judith TODD (Zimbabwe)
The right to say no: Rhodesia 1972. Harare: Longman, 1987. [in Ndebele]
Barbara TRAPIDO (South Africa)
Brother of the more famous Jack. London: Black Swan, 1983. Reprinted, Penguin, 1998. Novel.
Noah's ark. London: Gollancz, 1984. Reprinted, Corgi, 1985; Penguin, 1998. Novel.
Temples of delight. London: Michael Joseph, 1990. Reprinted, Penguin, 1991. Novel.
Juggling. London: Penguin, 1995. Novel.
The travelling horn player. London: Hamish Hamilton, 1998; Penguin Books, 1999. Novel.
Frankie and Stankie. London: Bloomsbury, 2003. Novel.
Jann TURNER (South Africa)
Heartland. London: Orion, 1997. Novel.
Southern Cross. London: Orion, 2002. Novel.
Gracy UKALA (Nigeria)
The broken bond. Nigeria: Nigeria University Press, 2001. Fiction.
Adaora Lily ULASI (Nigeria)
Many thing you no understand. London: M. Joseph, 1970. Novel; Fontana, 1975.
The night Harry died. Lagos: Educational Research Institute, 1974.
Many thing begin for change. London: Fontana, 1975.
The man from Sagamu. London; New York: Collins; Collier Macmillan, 1978. Novel.
Who is Jonah? Ibadan: Onibonoje, 1978. Novel.
Rosina UMELO (Nigeria)
Prose and Poetry Unseens for Certificate in English. London: Macmillan, 1976.
Felicia. London: Macmillan Education, 1978.
The man Who ate the money. Oxford University Press, 1978.
Finger of suspicion. London: Macmillan Education, 1984.
Striped paint (Hop, Step, Jump). London: Macmillan, 1992.
Days of silence. London: Macmillan, 1993.
Dark blue is for dreams. London: Macmillan, 1994.
Love letters. London: Macmillan, 1995. Stories.
Waiting for tomorrow. London: Macmillan, 1995. Children's writing.
The house in the forest. London: Macmillan, 1996. Children's writing.
No problem! Luganda. London: Macmillan, 2000. Reference.
Newsbird. London: Macmillan, 2001. Children's writing.
Chika UNIGWE (Nigeria)
Tear drops – of a golden voice. Enugu: Richardson Publishers, 1993. Poetry.
Born in Nigeria. Enugu: Onyx Publishers, 1995. Poetry.
A rainbow for dinner. Macmillan Education, 2003. Children.
Ije at school. Oxford: Macmillan, 2005. Young Adults.
The phoenix. Nigeria: Kachifo Publishers, 2007.
Rosemary Irene UWEMEDIMO (Nigeria)
Mammy-Wagon marriage. London: Hurst and Blackett, 1961.
Akpan and the smugglers. Ibadan: African University Press, 1971.
Meg VANDERMERWE (South Africa)
The place I Call home. Cape Town: Modjaji Books, 2010. Short Stories.
Zebra crossing. Cape Town: Umuzi, 2013. Fiction.
Emma VAN DER VLIET (South Africa)
Past imperfect. Johannesburg: Penguin, 2007. Novel.
Thirty second world. Johannesburg: Penguin SA, 2013. Novel.
Marita VAN DER VYVER (South Africa)
Short Circuits. Cape Town: Tafelberg, 2005. Short stories.
There is a season. Double Storey Books, 2007. Novel.
Marlene VAN NIEKERK (South Africa)
Triomf. Translated by Leon de Kock. Johannesburg: Jonathan Ball, 1999. Novel. Also available in French.
Memorandum: a story with pictures. Cape Town: Human and Rousseau, 2006.
Agaat. Johannesburg: Jonathan Ball, 2006. Novel.
The way of the women. London: Little Brown, 2007. Novel.
Mira VAN PLETZEN (South Africa)
The bush is burning... Sedgefield: Alkadeva, 2008. Novel.
Marialena VAN TONDER (Namibia)
Namibia in balance: a portrayal in short stories. Namibia: Namibian Institute or Democracy, 2002. Short Fiction.
Iris VAUGHAN (South Africa)
The diary of Iris Vaughan. Johannesburg: Central News Agency, South Africa, 1966. Autobiography.
Yvonne VERA (Zimbabwe)
Why don't you carve other animals. Harare:Baobab Books, 1992.
Nehanda. Harare: Baobab Books, 1993. Novel.
Without a name. Harare: Baobab Books, 1994.
Under the tongue. Harare: Baobab, 1997.
Opening spaces: an anthology of contemporary African women's writing. Oxford: Heinemann, 1999. (186pp.). ISBN 0-435-91010-8.
Butterfly burning. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2000.
The stone virgins. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2003.
Morag VLAMING (South Africa)
Gogo's magic: an African fable. Johannesburg: Writers Inc., 2003. Novel.
Megan VOYSEY-BRAIG (South Africa)
Till we can Keep an animal. Auckland Park: Jacana Media, 2008. Novel. Winner of the European Union Literary Award for Best First Novel, 2008. Novel.
Charity WACIUMA (Kenya)
The golden feather. Nairobi: East African Publishing House, 1966.
Mweru, the ostrich Girl. Nairobi: EAPH, 1966.
Who's calling? Nairobi: EAPH, 1972.
Merry-making. Nairobi: EAPH, 1972.
Daughter of Mumbi. Nairobi: EAPH, 1974.
Ayeta Anne WANGUSA (Uganda)
Memoirs of a mother. Kampala, Uganda: Femrite, 1998. Fiction.
Tears of hope: a collection of short stories by Ugandan rural women. Edited with Violet Barung. Kampala, Uganda: Femrite Publications, 2003.
Zukiswa WANNER (South Africa)
The Madams. Cape Town: Oshun Books, 2006. Novel.
Behind every successful man. Cape Town: Kwela Books, 2008.
Mary WATSON (South Africa)
Moss. Roggebaai, South Africa: Kwela Books, 2004. Short Fiction.
Miriam Khamadi WERE (Kenya)
The boy in between. Nairobi: Oxford University Press, 1969.
The eighth wife. Nairobi: East Africa Publishing House, 1972.
The high school gent. Nairobi: Oxford University Press, 1972.
Your heart is my altar. Nairobi: EAPH, 1980. Novel.
Kathryn WHITE (South Africa)
Emily green and me. Roggebai: Umuzi, 2007.
Things I thought I knew. Cape Town: Umuzi, 2011. Fiction.
Beverley WHYTE (Zimbabwe)
Beneath a Rhodesian sky. Salisbury: Rhodesia, 1972. Poetry.
Zoë WICOMB (South Africa)
You can't get lost in Cape Town. London: Virago, 1987. Fiction.
David's story. Roggebaai, South Africa: Kwela Books, 2001. Fiction.
The one that got away. Cape Town: Umuzi (Random House), 2008. Short stories.
Merna WILSON (Zimbabwe)
Explosion. London: Robert Hale, 1966. Novel.
Turn the tide gently. London: Robert Hale, 1967. Novel.
Reap the whirlwind. London: Robert Hale, 1968. Novel.
A ring has no end. Salisbury: Gazebo Books, 1977. Poetry.
The country of the mind. Salisbury: Kailani Books, 1981. Poetry.
Robin WINCKEL-MELLISH (South Africa)
A Lioness at my heels. Cape Town: Modjaji Books, 2011. Poetry.
Jenny WINTER (South Africa)
Flash flood. Cape Town: Tafelberg, 1990. Young Adults.
Ingrid WINTERBACH (South Africa)
To hell with Cronje. Cape Town: Human and Rousseau, 2007. Novel.
Wendy WOODWARD (South Africa)
Seance for the body. Cape Town: Snailpress, 1994. Poetry.
Makhosazana XABA (South Africa)
These hands: poems. Timbila Poetry Project, Elim Hospital, Limpopo Province, 2005. Poetry.
Tongues of their mothers. Scottsville: University of KwaZulu-Natal Press, 2008. Poetry.
Running and other stories. Cape Town: Modjaji Books, 2013. Fiction.
Phillippa YAA de VILLIERS (South Africa)
Taller than buildings. 2006. Poetry.
The everyday wife. Cape Town: Modjaji Books, 2010. Poetry.
Rachel ZADOK (South Africa)
Gem squash tokoloshe. Johannesburg: Picador Africa, 2005. Fiction.
Fiona ZERBST (South Africa)
The small zone. Cape Town: Snailpress, 1995. Poetry.
Time and again. Cape Town: Snailpress, 2002. Poetry.
Oleander. Cape Town: Modjaji Books, 2009. Poetry.
Rose ZWI (South Africa)
Another year in Africa. Johannesburg: Bateleur, 1980; Sydney: Spinifex Press, 1996.
The inverted pyramid. Johannesburg: Ravan Press, 1981.
Exiles. Craighall, South Africa: Ad Donker, 1984.
The umbrella tree. New York: Penguin, 1990.
Safe houses. Spinifex, 1994.
Last walk in Naryshkin Park. Spinifex, 1998.
Speak the truth, laughing. Melbourne: Spinifex, 2002.
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